Invest in Campbelltown City

Campbelltown is the engine room of the South West - a hub of economic, education, health, sport and recreation, advanced manufacturing, retail and commercial services for the growing communities of Sydney's South West.

With this growth, come opportunities to develop and invest - and your opportunity is now.

Glenfield to Macarthur Urban Renewal Corridor

Campbelltown City Council has been working closely with the Department of Planning and Environment on the development of the Glenfield to Macarthur Urban Renewal Corridor. Under this strategy, an estimated 15,000 dwellings and 20,000 jobs will be created within walking distance of the seven train stations between Glenfield and Macarthur.

Securing jobs for local people

With our focus on securing local jobs for local people, we want to work with businesses and developers to help our city consolidate its regional city status and become a city of choice for employers.

We continue to advocate for the establishment of metropolitan scale infrastructure to facilitate key economic development outcomes, through lobbying the State and Federal Governments, the private sector and non-government organisations and seeking funding assistance for major projects.

Strengthening strategic partnerships

We are also strengthening strategic partnerships with key stakeholders to value-add to our already existing infrastructure. The focus will be on economic growth and diversification, primed by new and high quality urban development and redevelopment that respects the city's environmental character and widens its offering of strategic community facilities.

Campbelltown is emerging as a place, an economy, a community where people want to be - where are you?

Campbelltown City: An attractive place to live and invest

As a council, we are committed to helping business and industry to invest in the city, and we want to streamline our approval processes and turnaround times to encourage businesses to think positively and seriously about relocating or starting their business in Campbelltown.

Our Pre-DA service was developed primarily to assist employment-generating development proposals, encouraging discussion between developers and planning staff prior to lodgement, with a view towards minimising processing times and providing greater certainty of Council requirements.

People are choosing to call Campbelltown home because there is opportunity, and the urban growth that the area is experiencing is a reflection of the variety of lifestyle options available that make Campbelltown City an attractive place to live and invest.

Come and see the real Campbelltown for yourself - we will surprise you.


Contact Director of City Growth
Phone: 02 4645 4656