Are you a stallholder?

A stallholder engaging with customers

Do you love community events? Campbelltown City holds a number of amazing annual community events where stallholders are welcome.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of, keep reading as we have all the answers to your questions on how you can get involved.

Stallholder fees

To hold a stall at a Campbelltown City Council event, you will need to supply your own structure, chairs, tables and silent generators as needed.

Our stallholder fee covers space only.

Event Space Cost NFP Organisations
3m x 3m $127 $42.50
3m x 6m $233.50 $149
3m x 9m $340 $255.50
  • Additional space is available on request and costs an additional $35.50 per metre
  • All food vendors are required to pay a food inspection fee of $133 (high risk) or $69 (low risk) per event
  • Not for Profit Organisations (NFP) receive their first 3m x 3m space at the discounted rate - additional space will be charged at the full rate of $35.50 per metre
  • Our fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change.

Want to stay up to date?

Complete our Stallholder enquiry form to join our database and keep up to date on upcoming events and stallholder opportunities.

Join Stallholder Database

Already registered as a stallholder?

Each year as events are coming up, we'll send an email out to all stallholders who are registered in the stallholder database, that includes a link to the online application form, to let us know how you like to be part of our events.

Selection of stallholders is at the discretion of Campbelltown City Council.

If you wish to update your details, get in touch with our Events team:

Call: 02 4645 4900