It is important that you have a plan in place to effectively manage food vendors and stallholders at your event.
It is your responsibility to ensure all stallholders hold appropriate levels of public liability insurance, provide quality products and have a safe stall set up. All marquees must be weighted down with weights on each leg of the marquee, pegs are not permitted in council grounds unless pre-approval has been given.
Will there be Mobile Food Vehicles at your event?
We want to make it easier for our mobile food vehicles to trade at our community events. Prior to trading within Campbelltown local government area, all mobile food vehicles need to be registered with Council and have a satisfactory Food Premises Assessment Report (FPAR) that is no more than 12 months old can be acquired from any council within NSW. This FPAR must be valid at the time of your event.
If a mobile food vehicle has not been registered with Campbelltown City Council, event organisers are to ensure all mobile food vendors download and complete the Mobile Food Vehicle Business Registration Form which is available on our Mobile Food Vehicles webpage and return this form with a recent FPAR and a valid Food Safety Supervisor Certificate (if applicable) via email to
If your mobile food vehicle is registered with Campbelltown City Council, please ensure we receive a copy of the Food Registration Certificate/Licence Number with a recent FPAR so we can include this with your event application.
If you cannot provide a recent FPAR or your food vehicle has not been inspected, Councils Environmental Health Officers will conduct a food inspection at the event that will incur a food inspection fee. Please refer to Councils Fees and Charges for inspection fees.
At any time throughout the event if you are found to be non-compliant with the Food Standards Code in accordance with the Food Act 2003 (even though you have a recent and satisfactory FPAR), our Environmental Health Officers may inspect your mobile food vehicle and an inspection fee will be applicable.
Do you plan on having Temporary Food Stalls at your event?
As part of running an event in the Campbelltown City Local Government Area each temporary food stall that will be in attendance on the day of your event are required to fill in and submit an application to conduct a temporary food stall. If you are a temporary food stall trading at our events, our Environmental Health Officers may inspect your stall at each event. This is due to the temporary nature of your stall set-up and the requirement to ensure your food preparation area meets the required standards. The operation of all temporary food stalls must be carried out in accordance with the Food Act 2003, Food Regulation 2015, Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code and Councils Requirements for the Operation of Temporary Food Stalls.
Submit your application now
Councils Environmental Health Officers will conduct a food inspection at the event that will incur a food inspection fee. Please refer to Councils Fees and Charges for inspection fees.
Food Safety Supervisor (if applicable)
Food businesses (includes temporary food stalls and mobile food vehicles) selling ready-to-eat potentially hazardous foods are required by law to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor that has undertaken food safety training at a registered training organisation approved by the NSW Food Authority. Food Safety Supervisors Certificates expire 5 years from the date of issue. Please ensure that your Food Safety Supervisor Certificate is valid.
For further information, complete the necessary training or to refresh your Certificate please refer to the NSW Food Authority webpage.