Want to Hold an Outdoor Event

Community festivals and events are a vital part of community life.

Event organisers wishing to conduct any event within the City of Campbelltown on Council owned/managed land must submit an application under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, where such an event is not otherwise authorised under a Development Consent. An event application fee(s) may also apply (for details see Council's Fees and Charges).

Council is supportive of the conduct of outdoor events as they contribute significantly to the City's sense of place and community. Our event approval process is aimed at ensuring that events are well organised, can be conducted in a safe, responsible manner, and are an enjoyable and positive experience for the community. Want to print this guide out?  Click here to access a PDF version(PDF, 13MB).

If you have any questions or require additional information or support with your application please don't hesitate to contact the Campbelltown City Council Events Team:

Call:02 4645 4900