
A big handsome man who just wants to be loved…

Reference #: 35805
Gender: Male
DOB: 27/12/2017
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Background: Surrendered
Adoption Fee: $105
Size: Medium-Large
Desexed: Yes
Rehoming Priority: High


  • Suitable for first time owners 
  • Open to meet kids (any age)
  • Suitable for full-time workers
  • Open to meet dogs
  • Big & beautiful
  • Approx. 36kg

Meet Louie, our big handsome man who just wants to be loved...

About: Louie is a big boy, but he is so gentle. He is agreeable and friendly, very happy & super social. Louie loves people and is very affectionate & engaging when he is around them. Everyone is friend according to Louise.

Louie can be curious & playful as well. He is a confident boy who is also very outgoing. He knows who he is & is not afraid to let the world know either!

Louie is suitable for first time owners or those with experience and thanks to his easy-going & adaptable nature he is also suitable for any household or home environment. He is also a great dog to take along for bike & scooter rides as he loves to ride alongside you.

Ideal Home: Louie is fine to live in a townhouse, house or on a farm/acreage, with a medium to large yard & high secure fencing.

Access to both inside & outside is highly favourable for Louie as he loves to spend time with you.

Family: Louie is open to meet kids of any age & is also suitable for people who work full-time hours.

Furry Friends: Louie is open to meet dogs, during his dog assessment he show behaviour that he was interested in interacting with the other dog and as they got closer, he displayed loose body language and was very happy to sniff & play.

As we cannot test, we are unsure how Louie would go living with or meeting cats/pocket pets. This would be up to the discretion of his new owners.
Training & Development: Louie would benefit from post-adoption training such as training at home to cover basic commands & obedience, and group classes so that his dog social skills stay sharp.
With additional training Louie could be the kind of dog you can take to a dog friendly café or social setting. Treats will be a great training tool to use during training sessions as Louie loves them and he also takes them gently from your hand also.
Louise knows his name and he also knows commands like ‘sit’ & ‘shake’ & is eager to learn more. 
We always recommend post-adoption training whether it be at home or with a professional. Training doesn’t have to be a chore – it can be a fun experience for you both, it doesn’t have to take long & is a great way for you to bond with your new pal.
Play: Louie’s energy needs are medium-high, and he would benefit from exercise, walks, or play time from 20-30mins a day. Louie is just as eager to play as he is so snooze and be lazy.
Louie walks ok on a lead, but loose leash training would be beneficial as he is strong to walk, and he is also best walked with a martingale.
Louie doesn’t appear to have a favourite toy; he prefers time spent with his favourite people instead.

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Post-Adoption Life: With all animals it’s important to understand that going into a new environment with new people may not be as seamless as we want it to be. It’s important to know that these animals have unknown histories - most are left in the shelter by their owners. The information we have is from observing the animal’s behaviours & reactions to certain stimuli whilst in our care. Adopted animals can take up to 3 months to properly decompress from post-shelter life & a lot of behaviours & quirks may surface during this time. All that we ask is that their new owners have an open mind & are patient.


