Companion Animal Subsidised Desexing Programs

Cats and dogs

Bookings for our CAWS program are currently open for enquiries, with more availabilities for dogs at this time. If you live in Macquarie Fields, Ingleburn, Minto or Leumeah we would love to hear from you! For more information, please contact the City Standards and Compliance team on 02 4645 4604.

(CAWS) Companion Animal Subsidised Desexing Program

Eligible dog and cat owners are offered subsidised desexing, microchipping and first vaccination.

Enrolment dates will be advised throughout the year. Details for CAWS Program are available through our event page.

CAWS eligibility criteria

To be eligible to enrol up to two animals per household for the CAWS program you must:

  • live in the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA) and bring proof of this with you on the day
  • be a pensioner or low income earner below $25,000 per year and bring proof of this with you on the day
  • be able to make full payment (by card) for the program on the enrolment day - cash will not be taken or change provided
  • be able to provide transport for your animal to and from the veterinary clinic
  • be 18 years old or over.

If you do not meet the eligibility criteria, you will NOT be able to enrol in the CAWS Program.

Program enrolment and fees

You will need to attend an enrolment day to complete enrolment forms and make your owner contribution payment.

  • Bookings are essential and details are available through our event page when enrolments open
  • No walk up registrations are able to be taken on the day, please make a booking and ensure you are on time for your appointment
  • Full payment must be made by card at the time of enrolment:
Contribution fees
Female Dog $89
Male Dog $68
Female Cat $68
Male Cat $53

Next step?

Lifetime register your pet

Once your animal has been desexed, the lifetime registration fee will be at a reduced rate.

  • You'll need to bring your desexing certificate (and pension card if you have one) with you when you register your animal
  • All companion animals must be registered by the age of 12 weeks, late fees may apply
  • You are encouraged to have your companion animal desexed before registering it
  • An additional fee is required for dogs not desexed by 6 months of age
  • Annual permits are required for cats not desexed by 4 months of age.

How to register your dog and cat

For more information, contact our City Standards and Compliance team on 02 4645 4604.