Our administration offices and some services are closing from 4pm on Monday 23 December 2024 and will reopen on Thursday 2 January 2025.
At the Ordinary Meeting of 13 December, 2011 when considering a report regarding the Operation of our Animal Care Facility, Council resolved in part that we will work with rescue organisations approved by the Division of Local Government (Now Office of Local Government).
All rescue groups that apply to work with us must have a clause 17(1)(c) exemption granted by the Office of Local Government under the terms of the Companion Animals Act.
Once rescue organisations have completed a Rescue Organisation Application Form(PDF, 110KB) and been approved, you:
The application assessment and agreement endorsement process may take several weeks to complete.
When an animal is rescued from our Animal Care Facility, rescue groups must:
A number of rescue organisations have been approved by us to rescue animals from our Animal Care Facility:
Animal Trust SocietyEmail: hello@animaltrustsociety.com.au Website: www.animaltrustsociety.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/animaltrustsociety
Animal Welfare League NSW Call: 02 8899 3333 Website; www.awlnsw.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/AWLNSW
DCH Animal Adoptions Call: ;02 9627 2767 Email: enquiries@dchanimaladoptions.com.au Website: www.dchanimaladoptions.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/DCHAnimalAdoptions
Central Coast Animal Care Facility Email: ccanimalcarefacility@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/Ccacf
Domestic Animal Birth Control Society (DABS)Call: 1300 493 330 Website: www.dabs.org.au
Firefly Animal Rescue Email: fireflyanimalrescue@gmail.com Website: www.fireflyanimalrescue.com Facebook: facebook.com/FireflyAnimalRescue
Furry Friends Forever Rescue Email: fffrescue@hotmail.com Website: www.furryfriendsforeverrescue.com Facebook: facebook.com/FurryFriendsForeverRescue
Paws for Love Email: pawsforloverescue@hotmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/pawsforloverescue
Society of Companion Animal Rescuers (SOCARES) Call: 02 4991 7719
Sydney Animal Second Chance IncMobile: 0404 690 014 Website: www.sasrescue.org Facebook: facebook.com/SydneyAnimalSecondchance
Sydney Dogs and Cats Home Call:02 9587 9611 Website:www.sydneydogsandcatshome.org Facebook:facebook.com/sydneydogsandcatshome
Brighter Future Cat RescueCall: 0400 423 206 Email: brighterfuturecatrescue@yahoo.com Website: www.brighterfuturecatrescue.com Facebook: facebook.com/BrighterFutureCatRescue
Cat Protection SocietyCall: 9557 4818 Email: info@catprotection.org.au Website: www.catprotection.org.au Facebook: facebook.com/catprotectionsocietynsw
Hills Cat RescueCall: 0420941727Email: hillscatrescue@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hillscatrescue Website: https://www.hillscatrescue.com/
Urban Kittens Email: info@urbankittens.com Website: www.urbankittens.com Facebook: facebook.com/UrbanKittens
ACT Rescue and Foster (ARF)Mobile: 0421 216 485 Website: www.fosterdogs.org Facebook: facebook.com/ACTRescueandFoster
Arctic Breed Rescue IncMobile: 0403 833 204 Website: www.abrinc.org.au Facebook: facebook.com/Arctic.Breed.Rescue
Australian Working Dog Rescue Inc Email: contact@awdri.com.au Website: www.workingdogrescue.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/awdri.com.au
Boxer Rescue Network Email: boxerrescuenetwork@live.com Website: www.brna.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/BoxerRescueNetwork
Denise at PawsMobile: 0405 244 871 Email: info@deniseatpaws.com.au Website: www.deniseatpaws.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/deniseatpawsaus
Doggie RescueCall: 02 9486 3133 Website: www.doggierescue.com Facebook: facebook.com/doggierescue
Fetching DogsEmail: info@fetchingdogs.com.au Website: www.fetchingdogs.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/fetchingdogs
Freerangers Farm Dogs Rescue Mobile: 0414 569 874 Facebook: facebook.com/Freerangerdogs
Friendly K9 Rescue Mobile: 0418 424 688 Email: friendlyk9rescue@outlook.com Facebook: facebook.com/FriendlyK9Rescue
German Shepherd Rescue NSW Call: 02 4930 8023 Mobile: 0401 024 058
Greyhound Rescue IncCall: 0412 562 104 Website: greyhoundrescue.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/GreyhoundRescueNSW
Iron Dog Rescue Email: irondogrescue@gmail.com Website: www.irondogrescue.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/irondogrescue
Jack Russell RescueCall: 0408 491 542 Website: www.jrtrescue.net Facebook: facebook.com/jrtrescue
Labrador Rescue Inc Email: rescuealabrador@yahoo.com.au Website: www.labrescue.com.au Facebook: facebook.com/labrescueACT
Pound PatrolEmail: poundpatrol@hotmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/poundpatrol
Saving Staffies Rescue Mobile: 0403 650 358 Email: savingstaffies@gmail.com Website: www.savingstaffies.org.au Facebook: facebook.com/savingstaffies
Seniors and Silky RescueEmail: ssrdogs@gmail.com Website: www.seniorsandsilkies.org.au
Sweet Shepherd Rescue Email: sweetshepherdrescueaustralia@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/ssrainc