What address details to enter?

Requesting a SERVICE, lodging an APPLICATION or reporting an ISSUE?

Please enter and search for the property location related to the service, application or issue.

If unsure of the location:
- Use the Google Map option to locate the address
- Alternatively call Customer Service on 4645 4000.

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Enter the address
Use Google Map to locate address
Search for location using Address details
Enter the address details below then click on the 'search' button.

NOTE: If viewing this screen on a mobile device we recommend that you use landscape view.

TIP 1: Click on 'Advanced Search' to utilise other fields like unit number, property name or parcel number.

TIP 2: If your address is not coming up, please call Customer Service on 4645 4000 to confirm if the property is part of the Campbelltown LGA.

TIP 3: If the Number of Properties being returned from the Search is 100+ and you are not finding the property you are after, please try the Advanced Search option below to narrow the results. Click this link for an example search.

Street Number
Street Name
Street Type