Our administration offices and some services will be closed on Sunday 26 and Monday 27 January 2025 due to the Australia Day public holiday. Find out more about changes to our operating hours on the public holiday.
This page can assist you in navigating through the Development Application and Approval process. It also provides help with carrying out development in accordance with the Exempt and Complying Development.
The definition of development and what it involves.
What is complying development and how can I apply.
A list of all the development application forms, checklists and guides.
List of critical inspections and what you need to do before and during construction works.
Exempt Development is development that is of minimal environmental impact and provided it meets certain strict criteria, does not require any development approval.
Who you have to notify before you start approved works
Information regarding Occupation Certificates (OC)
The obligation to report political donations and gifts. In certain circumstances it is a requirement to submit a disclosure statement with planning applications.
What is a Principal Certifying Authority (PCA) and what they do for you.
This page contains the requirements and links necessary to obtain Property Certificates from Campbelltown City Council
How to obtain a road opening permit, and how to apply for a vehicle crossing (driveway) works.