Building Information Certificates
A Building Information Certificate (BIC) is usually sought by buyers and sellers of property to make sure that the particular building (or part of a building) is not going to the subject of regulatory action by Council.
Often a Building Information Certificate is requested when work is undertaken without appropriate approvals being issued by Council or a registered certifier.
Applying for a Building Information Certificate
Apply online for a building information certificate | Service NSW, can be requested by:
- the owner of the property
- another person, with the consent of the owner of the property
- the purchaser of a property under a contract of sale, including the purchaser's solicitor or agent
- a public authority that has notified the owner of its intention to apply for the certificate.
To assist Council make a full and proper evaluation of the application, include with your submission:
- The site plan, elevations, floor plan, and a sectional diagram of the structure, relevant reports and compliance certificates
- Structural engineer's certification for the unauthorised structure
- A Building Code of Australia report prepared by a suitable qualified and accredited person
- A 10.7 certificate, where applicable suitable documentation confirming affectations identified in 10.7 are satisfactorily addressed, for example: flooding, bushfire, heritage etc
- An Annual Fire Safety Statement applicable to the building (commercial and industrial building)
- Survey Identification Report prepared by a registered Surveyor
- (Where applicable) Lodge a Development Application or Section 4.55 (modification) of a development consent for the use of the building
- Payment of an application fee and additional fees (equivalent to application fees that would have been payable if a Development application, Construction Certificate or Complying Development Certificate had been lodged prior to construction). Fees for all Building Information Certificates are details in Council's Fees and Charges.
Where Council is unable to issue a Development Consent for the use (where applicable) or a Building Information Certificate (BIC), we may take action to have the structure demolished, altered or rebuilt.