Airds Bradbury Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 19 November 2014

Names of the parties: Campbelltown CIty Council, NSW Land and Housing Corporation

Description of the development: Airds Bradbury Renewal Project Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies: Land as detailed in Schedule 1 - pages 27-54

The Airds Bradbury Renewal Project involves the redevelopment of the existing Airds Bradbury public housing estate. The renewal area comprises approximately 1,540 dwellings, 94 per cent of which are in public ownership. The Project seeks to improve the quality of the social and urban environment by creating conditions conducive to the establishment of a sustainable place to live. The Project comprises a new urban structure within the renewal area reflecting a new street pattern and subdivision layout based around a series of existing and new infrastructure and dwellings.

The Planning Agreement and the accompanying Infrastructure Services Delivery Plan are consistent with the Airds Bradbury Renewal Concept Plan which was approved via Part 3A of the Act in August 2012.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $21,446,851 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Road Works / intersection upgrades - $5,330,446
  • Water Cycle management - $5,197,693
  • Open Space / Landscape works - $7,602,454
  • Bushland Regeneration - $543,813
  • Community Facilities - $2,772,445.

Current VPA documents: