Glenlee Estate Menangle Park Planning Agreement
Glenlee Estate Menangle Park Planning Agreement
Date the agreement was entered into: 12 November 2024
Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, William and Patricia Wilson (Developer)
Description of the development: Glenlee Estate Menangle Park Planning Agreement
The land to which it applies:
Land referenced as Land in Schedule 1 on page 16, namely:
- Lots 1, 2 & 3 in DP 713646 known as 60 Menangle Road, Menangle Park 2563
The Developer has submitted a Planning Proposal seeking to amend the CLEP to permit limited residential development of the Land by way of:
(1) rezoning the Land from “RU2 Rural Landscape” to part “E2 Environmental Conservation”, part “E3 Environmental Management”, part “E4 Environmental Living” and part “RE1 Public Recreation”;
(2) amending the “Lot Size” and “Lot Size for Dual Occupancy Development” under the CLEP; and
(3) amending the “Height of Building Map” under the CLEP.
The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of the following:
- dedication of the Dedication Land shown in Annexure 1 to Council;
- registration of a Positive Covenant on the Homestead Lot in the terms list in Schedule 5;
- Restoration of the Gatehouse in accordance with an approved Conservation Management Plan - $250,000
Current VPA Documents: