Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement

Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement: 8 August 2018

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Lendlease Communities (Mt Gilead Pty Limited, Mount Gilead Pty Limited and Anna Dzwonnik)

Description of the development: Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies:

Land referenced as Land in Clause1.1 on page 5, being land that is, or was prior to its subdivision, contained in Certificates of Title Folio Identifiers:

  • Lot 3 in DP 1218887, and 
  • Lot 61 in DP 752042

Mount Gilead is a release area to the south of the Macarthur Regional Centre approximately 210 hectares in size. It was the subject of a planning proposal which allows for the delivery of approximately 1,700 new homes with associated open space, community facilities, road infrastructure and water quality and drainage networks.

Due to the limited number of landowners and the Ministerial cap on development contributions, the execution of a Voluntary Planning Agreement offered a better outcome for delivery of infrastructure required to support the development and the future community.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $56,264,082 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Open Space / Land dedication - $29,943,327
  • Community Infrastructure - $2,252,615
  • Transport Infrastructure - $12,363,756
  • Water Quality and Basins - $11,704,384.

Current VPA documents: