Planning Agreement Register

Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs)

A Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) is an agreement entered into by a planning authority and a developer -

(a)  who has sought a change to an environmental planning instrument, or
(b)  who has made, or proposes to make, a development application or application for a complying development certificate, or
(c)  who has entered into an agreement with, or is otherwise associated with, a person to whom paragraph (a) or (b) applies,

- under which the developer is required to:

  • dedicate land free of cost;
  • pay a monetary contribution, or
  • provide any other material public benefit, or any combination of them, to be used for or applied towards a public purpose.

A public purpose includes (without limitation) any of the following—

  • the provision of (or the recoupment of the cost of providing) public amenities or public services,
  • the provision of (or the recoupment of the cost of providing) affordable housing,
  • the provision of (or the recoupment of the cost of providing) transport or other infrastructure relating to land,
  • the funding of recurrent expenditure relating to the provision of public amenities or public services, affordable housing or transport or other infrastructure,
  • the monitoring of the planning impacts of development,
  • the conservation or enhancement of the natural environment.

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 requires that Council maintain a planning agreement register for public inspection.  The register must include:

  • a short description of any VPA that applies to the area of the Council
  • the date the agreement was entered into;
  • the names of the parties, and
  • the land to which it applies.

Campbelltown Local Government Area Planning Agreements

There are 8 executed Planning Agreements currently in effect in the Campbelltown LGA.

Download Map of Voluntary Planning Agreements in Campbelltown LGA(PDF, 1MB)

1. Airds Bradbury Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 19 November 2014

Names of the parties: Campbelltown CIty Council, NSW Land and Housing Corporation

Description of the development: Airds Bradbury Renewal Project Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies: Land as detailed in Schedule 1 - pages 27-54

The Airds Bradbury Renewal Project involves the redevelopment of the existing Airds Bradbury public housing estate. The renewal area comprises approximately 1,540 dwellings, 94 per cent of which are in public ownership. The Project seeks to improve the quality of the social and urban environment by creating conditions conducive to the establishment of a sustainable place to live. The Project comprises a new urban structure within the renewal area reflecting a new street pattern and subdivision layout based around a series of existing and new infrastructure and dwellings.

The Planning Agreement and the accompanying Infrastructure Services Delivery Plan are consistent with the Airds Bradbury Renewal Concept Plan which was approved via Part 3A of the Act in August 2012.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $21,446,851 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Road Works / intersection upgrades - $5,330,446
  • Water Cycle management - $5,197,693
  • Open Space / Landscape works - $7,602,454
  • Bushland Regeneration - $543,813
  • Community Facilities - $2,772,445.

Current VPA documents:

2. Bensley Road (Caledonia Precinct) Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 7 August 2019

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Bensley Development Pty Ltd

Description of the development: Caledonia Precinct

The land to which it applies:

Land referenced as Land in Clause 1.1 on page 4, namely:

  • Lots 2 and 3 in DP 597774
  • Lot 47 in DP 595243, and
  • Lot 4 in DP261609.

The Developer made an offer to enter into an Agreement in conjunction with a Planning Proposal to rezone land and facilitate development within the Caledonia Precinct (the land bounded by Mercedes Road, Bensley Road and Oxford Road, Ingleburn). Approximately two thirds of the Caledonia Precinct is controlled by the Developer and the Planning Proposal applies only to that land.

The Planning Proposal received gateway approval from the Minister for Planning on 8 December 2016 and the Developer intends to submit a development application to facilitate the development of the land, being the proposed:

  1. Subdivision of the land to create approximately 90 Urban Lots; and
  2. Development of associated roads, shared pedestrian and cycleways, parks and stormwater drainage facilities.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $2,131,796 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Land dedication (minimum of 16,547m2) - $1,323,760
  • Open Space embellishment works - $600,000
  • Environmental Conservation works - $50,000
  • Community facilities (monetary contribution) - $128,430
  • Plan administration (monetary contribution)- $29,606

Current VPA Documents:

3. Claymore Renewal Project Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 2 September 2019

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, NSW Land & Housing Corporation

Description of the development: Claymor Renewal Project Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies: Land as detailed in schedule 1 - pages 29-38

The Claymore Renewal Project involves the redevelopment of the existing Claymore public housing estate. The renewal area comprises approximately 1,151 dwellings, 98 per cent of which are in public ownership. The Project seeks to improve the quality of the social and urban environment by creating conditions conducive to the establishment of a sustainable place to live. The Project comprises a new urban structure within the renewal area reflecting a new street pattern and subdivision layout based around a series of existing and new infrastructure and dwellings.

The Planning Agreement and the accompanying Infrastructure Services Delivery Plan are consistent with the Claymore Renewal Concept Plan which was approved via Part 3A of the Act in May 2013.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $21,330,290 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Road Works / intersection upgrades - $8,607,985
  • WaterCycle management - $4,699,256
  • Open Space / Landscape works - $5,570,115
  • Public Art - $174,289.

Current VPA documents:

4. East Leppington Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 13 October 2017

Name of the parties: Campbelltown City Council and Stockland Development Pty Ltd

Description of the development: East Leppington Precinct

The land to which it applies:

Land Referenced as Land in Clause 1.1 on page 5 namely:

  • Lots 1 and 2 in DP 1185269
  • Part Lot 5 in DP 1193006
  • Part Lot 7 in DP 1200698
  • Lot 9 in DP 1207461
  • Lots 18 and 19 in DP 1215704
  • Lots 32, 33 and 34 in DP 1439 (comprising Auto Consol 13532-141)
  • Lot 11 in DP 135468
  • Lots 130 and 131 in DP 135465
  • Lot 108 in DP 133315 (part of which was subdivided as at the date of this Agreement), and some of which is located in the East Leppington Precinct but excluding:
    1. Lot 12 in DP 1209044 (sold for retail purposes); and
    2. Lot 150 in DP 1211497 (sold for retirement living purposes).

The Development forms part of the East Leppington Precinct under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 which covers two local government areas, being Campbelltown and Camden.

The Developer separately entered into a Planning Agreement with Camden to provide development contributions for development within the Camden LGA. The Developer made an offer to Campbelltown City Council to enter into a Planning Agreement to provide various infrastructure and facilities to support the proposed Development on the Land, being the proposed:

  1. Creation of approximately 2,555 Dwellings (low and medium density); and
  2. Associated roads, parks, community and stormwater facilities.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $62,784,472 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Transport Management - $23,516,220
  • Water Management - $10,035,930
  • Passive Open Space / Water Management - $4,413,990
  • Active Open Space and Recreation – $20,007,933
  • Riparian Protection and embellishment – $818,970
  • Environmental Management - $45,000
  • Community Facilities - $3,397,829
  • Plan administration (monetary contribution) - $548,600.

Current VPA Documents:

5. Edmondson Park Voluntary Planning Agreement

Date agreement was entered into: 6 July 2015

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Landcom (t/a Urban Growth NSW)

Description of the development: Edmondson Park South

The land to which it applies: Land as detailed in Schedule 1 - page 33

Date agreement was entered into: 17 June 2016

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Landcom (t/a Urban Growth NSW) and Dahua Group Sydney Project 1 Pty Limited

Description of the development: Amendment - Edmondson Park South

The land to which it applies: Land reference as Property A & Property B in Clause 1.1 on page 4

Date the Deed of Novation and Deed of Variation were entered into: 13 October 2017

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Landcom (t/a Urban Growth NSW) and Dahua Project 1 Pty Limited

Description of the development: Amendment - Edmondson Park South

The land to which it applies: Land referenced as Property A & Property B in Clause 1.1 on page 4

As part of the design and planning approvals process for the Edmondson Park South Project, including Ministerial approval of a Concept Plan Application in August 2011, UrbanGrowth NSW committed to the provision of infrastructure identified in the Infrastructure Services Delivery Plan to support the incoming community within the Campbelltown section of the Development. The commitment is secured through the Planning Agreement.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $41,530,001 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Parks and Open Space - $22,730,000
  • Passive Open Space / Water Management - $4,400,000
  • Roads and Traffic Facilities - $10,850,001
  • Roads and Drainage – $3,000,000
  • Community Facility - $550,000.

The initial Planning Agreement between Council and UrbanGrowth NSW was executed on 6 July 2015.

An VPA Side Deed was executed on 17 June 2016 pending sale of part of the Land by UrbanGrowth NSW to Dahua, pending execution of a VPA Amendment and VPA Novation.

An Amended VPA, including Deed of Variation and Deed of Novation was executed on 13 October 2017. The various infrastructure to be delivered remained the same, only the responsibility was split between the Developer (UrbanGrowth NSW) and the Purchaser (Dahua) as detailed in the Amended VPA and Deed of Variation respectively.

Current VPA documents:

Previous VPA documents:

6. Menangle Park Release Area Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 15 August 2024

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Dahua Group Sydney Project 2 Ptd Limited, Dahua Group Sydney Project 3 Pty Limited  

Description of the development: Menangle Park Release Area Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies:

Land referenced as Land in Schedule 3 on pages 38 and 39.

Menangle Park was earmarked by the NSW Government for urban redevelopment to help meet Sydney’s demand for new housing. The land was rezoned in 2017 to facilitate redevelopment to provide:

  1. Approximately 3,500 dwellings and a population of 9,800 people
  2. A new town centre
  3. Employment Lands, and
  4. Educational, community and recreational land uses, including roads, public transport routes, pedestrian paths and cycleways.

A Development Contributions Plan (IPART approved) has been adopted by Council and applies to the Menangle Park redevelopment area.

The Developer (Dahua) has acquired a substantial landholding (approximately two thirds) and lodged development applications for Stage 1, 2A and 2B (seeking a total of 409 lots) in 2017 and 2018. The Developer made an offer to Campbelltown City Council to enter into a Planning Agreement to provide various infrastructure and facilities to support the proposed Development on the Land. The Menangle Park Planning Agreement (Stages 1, 2A & 2B) was executed on 4 February 2021.

The Menangle Park Planning Agreement (Stages 1, 2A & 2B) will result in the delivery of $17,427,254 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Parks and Open Space - $1,669,406
  • Land dedication - $4,655,884
  • Bioretention facilities - $923,000
  • Construction of a roundabout - $2,468,819
  • Payment of monetary contributions – $7,710,145.

    The Menangle Park Release Area Planning Agreement was executed on 15 August 2024 and incorporates ALL of the Developer’s (Dahua) landholding in Menangle Park, in addition to Stages 1, 2A & 2B. Accordingly, the Menangle Park Release Area Planning Agreement revokes the Prior Planning Agreement (Menangle Park Planning Agreement (Stages 1, 2A & 2B)).

    The Menangle Park Release Area Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $201,753,200.57 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Community Facility Land - $321,409
  • Open Space & Recreation Land - $46,090,012.97
  • Open Space & Recreation Works - $48,793,175.62
  • Traffic & Transport Land – $20,720,000
  • Traffic & Transport Works – $55,581,968.87
  • Trunk Drainage & Water Quality Land – $4,459,870.63
  • Trunk Drainage & Water Quality Works - $25,786,763.48
  • Land to be dedicated - 1,021,922m2
  • Monetary Contributions paid for Stage 1 & 2A - $7,123,347.42

Current VPA Documents:

7. Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement

Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement: 8 August 2018

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Lendlease Communities (Mt Gilead Pty Limited, Mount Gilead Pty Limited and Anna Dzwonnik)

Description of the development: Mt Gilead 1 Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies:

Land referenced as Land in Clause1.1 on page 5, being land that is, or was prior to its subdivision, contained in Certificates of Title Folio Identifiers:

  • Lot 3 in DP 1218887, and 
  • Lot 61 in DP 752042

Mount Gilead is a release area to the south of the Macarthur Regional Centre approximately 210 hectares in size. It was the subject of a planning proposal which allows for the delivery of approximately 1,700 new homes with associated open space, community facilities, road infrastructure and water quality and drainage networks.

Due to the limited number of landowners and the Ministerial cap on development contributions, the execution of a Voluntary Planning Agreement offered a better outcome for delivery of infrastructure required to support the development and the future community.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $56,264,082 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Open Space / Land dedication - $29,943,327
  • Community Infrastructure - $2,252,615
  • Transport Infrastructure - $12,363,756
  • Water Quality and Basins - $11,704,384.

Current VPA documents:

8. University of Western Sydney

Date the agreement was entered into: 18 December 2015

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Landcom (t/a Urban Growth NSW) and University of Western Sydney

Description of the development: Western Sydney University

The land to which it applies: Land as detailed in Schedule 1 - page 24

Landcom entered into a contract with the University of Western Sydney to manage the carrying out of the Development on the part of the Land owned by UWS.  The residential development encompasses an area of approximately 118 hectares and proposes the development of around 850 dwellings with associated open space, community facilities and service infrastructure.

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $38,980,000 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Open Space / Recreation / Land dedication - $19,900,000
  • Community / Sporting Infrastructure - $1,580,000
  • Transport Infrastructure - $13,300,000
  • Regional Detention Basin - $2,200,000
  • Regional Cycleway - $2,000,000.

Current VPA documents:

9. Macarthur Gardens North Planning Agreement

Date the agreement was entered into: 11 September 2024

Names of the parties: Campbelltown City Council, Landcom  

Description of the development: Macarthur Gardens North Planning Agreement

The land to which it applies:

Land referenced as Land in Clause 1.1 on page 11, namely:

  • Lot 1097 in DP 1182558

Landcom has received Concept Consent to DA 3944/2021/DA-SW on 14 December 2022 for the subdivision of land to create 5 superlots and a residue lot, civil works, construction of local road network and parks and landscaping and concept approval for six building envelopes of varying heights, maximum gross floor area, residential development of approximately 1,250 dwellings, ground floor commercial uses, parking spaces, active open space, public domain landscaping, a pedestrian and cycle network including future pedestrian bridge pursuant to concept development consent in connection with DA 3944/2021/DA-SW

The Planning Agreement will result in the delivery of $27,620,650 of various infrastructure, including:

  • Central Park Main and South - $4,211,693
  • Fitness Park - $1,696,386
  • Station Arrival Plaza - $6,990,665
  • Bow Bowing Creek Trail Works - $807,157
  • Bow Bowing Creek Vegetation Management Works - $1,600,000
  • Land dedication for the above - $10,750,000.

Current VPA Documents:



State Voluntary Planning Agreements

There are currently a number of executed Planning Agreements which apply within the Campbelltown LGA to which Council is not a party, visit the State Voluntary Planning Agreement (SVPA) Register for more information.