Planning Policies and Controls

Campbelltown Community Participation Plan (CPP)

Community participation is an overarching term covering how we engage the community in our work under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.The purpose of the Campbelltown Community Participation Plan (CPP) is to provide a single document that the community can access which sets out how they can participate in planning matters. This includes plan making, development assessment, strategy development and planning proposals that are required to be assessed and determined by Council, Local or Regional Planning Panels.

The CPP only relates to Council’s planning functions and complies with the requirements of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. For information about how we engage with the community on other Council-related decisions, please search our website for the “Community Engagement Strategy”.

To see how you can get involved in planning matters, you can view the Campbelltown CPP below.

For more information phone 02 4645 4608 or email

Local Environmental Plans (LEPs)

Local Environmental Plans (LEPs) are legal instruments prepared by Council and the State Government to guide planning decisions. They do this through zoning and development controls, which provide a framework for the way land can be used. LEPs are the main planning tool to shape the future of communities and also ensure local development is appropriate.

The Campbelltown Local Environmental Plan 2015 (CLEP 2015) in the Standard Instrument format, is the principal LEP for the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA). The CLEP 2015 consolidated a number of existing LEPs and Interim Development Orders into one LEP for the LGA.

Some areas of Campbelltown are however, not covered by CLEP 2015 due to certain planning circumstances. Those areas noted to be either ‘deferred matters’, where the existing planning controls apply or areas which are subject to planning controls contained in specific State Environmental Planning Polices that address some of the new urban release areas. The following maps show these areas and the planning instruments that apply:

The Local Environmental Plans that apply to the Campbelltown Local Government area include:

Interim Development Orders (IDOs)

Interim Development Orders are similar to LEPs as they contain zoning and development controls for certain land within the Campbelltown Local Government Area located outside of the established urban areas of Campbelltown. The remaining IDO, (IDO 15(PDF, 167KB) ) applies to non-urban land listed as a ‘deferred matter’ under CLEP 2015 within the suburbs of Menangle Park and Gilead.

Development Control Plans (DCPs)

Development Control Plans are policy instruments that (unlike LEPs) provide more specific and detailed guidelines for certain types of development or for certain parts of the Campbelltown Local Government Area. The detailed guidelines contained within a DCP apply in addition to the provisions of the applicable LEP. DCPs are important in the planning system because they provide a more flexible means of identifying additional development controls and standards for specific development. DCPs have less statutory weight in the development process.

The principal DCP applying to the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA) is the Campbelltown (Sustainable City) Development Control Plan 2015 (SCDCP 2015). The SCDCP was recently amended to be consistent with CLEP 2015. The SCDCP 2015 comprises three volumes and applies to the whole of Campbelltown LGA.

Volume 1 (Development Controls for all types of Development) of the SCDCP 2015 applies to land within the Campbelltown LGA, Where the CLEP applies.

Volume 2 of the SCDCP 2015 contains a number of site specific DCPs that apply to specific localities within Campbelltown LGA.

Site Specific DCPs Campbelltown(PDF, 2MB)

Volume 3 of the SCDCP 2015 applies to the areas that are marked as 'Deferred Matter' under the Land Application Map of the CLEP (i.e where the CLEP does not apply). The Land Application Map of the CLEP is available from the NSW Legislation website at

The Development Control Plans that apply to Campbelltown Local Government Area include:

Developer Contributions Plans

As part of the development process, Council requires that developer contributions be paid to the Council to help deliver various types of public amenities and services required as a consequence of various forms of development. Developer contributions are essential in providing the facilities and services that support new development and maintain the high quality of life that residents of Campbelltown enjoy, and contribute to a vibrant economic environment which supports business development and growth.

Voluntary Planning Agreements (VPAs)

Council can enter into a Voluntary Planning Agreement with a developer in lieu of paying developer contributions. A VPA ensures critical infrastructure is provided at the right time, in order to help make certain that the subject development is appropriately supported and does not adversely affect the amenity of the surrounding environment.

A VPA is essential in clearly articulating and quantifying the items of infrastructure that are required to be constructed by the developer to ensure suitable development outcomes.

State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs)

State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) are instruments created by the State Government to address planning issues that are important to the state of New South Wales.

SEPPs are made by the Minister for Planning and Environment and generally serve to alter the relevant provisions of a Local Environmental Plan by way of either providing additional restrictions, or relaxing existing provisions.

All SEPPs are available on the NSW Government Legislation website.

The SEPPs that contain zoning and development controls for areas within the Campbelltown LGA are:

Heritage Items in Campbelltown

The Local Heritage Register displays the range of heritage items that exist within the Campbelltown Local Government Area. These heritage items are listed in alphabetical order by suburbs and are found in schedule 5 of CLEP 2015.

More information on what your responsibilities and rights are when you propose to develop a listed item of heritage or develop land adjacent or in the vicinity of a listed item of heritage significance can be found at the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage website.

Policy and Planning Positions

Council over a period of time has adopted a series of Policy and Planning Positions. These Positions together with studies and strategies which were endorsed to form a decision making framework, should be noted by the community and referred to by Developers and potential Developers.

Listed below is a series of key Policy Positions, Planning Positions and links to relevant material. Additionally, other relevant Strategic Planning documents including studies and strategies can be accessed via links below.

Repealed Development Control Plans

The following development control plans have been repealed/rescinded/revoked and are provided for information purposes only: