Pre-DA Lodgement Advice
Pre-lodgement advice helps identify and where possible, resolve issues ahead of a development application being submitted to Council.
Early advice from Council's planning staff on more complex proposals may avoid unnecessary delays with the processing of any future development application.
Campbelltown City Council provides 3 different ways to obtain pre-lodgement advice for a development application.
Talk to a town planner
Town planners are available to provide free preliminary advice on planning-related enquiries from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday:
Examples of planning enquiries include:
- Do I need a DA for an awning and/or deck?
- Can I put a secondary dwelling on my property?
- Can I subdivide my land and put a house on each new lot?
- Can I remove my pool without an application?
- Can I do a dual occupancy development on my property?
- Can I convert my garage into an additional room/residence?
Submit a pre-lodgement advice request
For larger scale and more complex development applications or planning proposals, you can submit a pre-lodgement advice request to Council's City Development staff to discuss a proposal in depth.
Please lodge a request online using this link: Lodge Pre-DA Application
- You can request detailed advice from Campbelltown City Council's Development staff regarding the proposal.
- After we have had an opportunity to review the material we will contact you to provide feedback on the proposal.
- Our feedback may be provided over the phone, in writing or at a meeting.
- Where our staff review your proposal and provide written comments at a formal meeting, there is a fee payable. Visit Financial information to find the current fee.
What to include?
When submitting a pre-lodgement advice request, please include the following documents:
All preliminary concept plans must be accurate and drawn to scale.
- Site analysis plan
- Floor plans
- Elevation plans
- Cross section
- North point
- Relevant compliance checklist.
Cover Letter
Include a cover letter with your pre-lodgement advice request that details what the proposal is about and purpose, and any areas of non-compliance or other issues identified by your planning consultant.
If you proceed with an application after the pre-lodgement advice process, you will need to take account of all issues raised by Council.
Note: Council's support for your proposal cannot be assumed based on pre-lodgement advice.
It is not until a full assessment of the completed application has been carried out, that a determination can be made on the suitability of the development in its proposed location.
Section 10.7(5) Planning Certificate
In addition, prior to preparing your Development Application, it is strongly suggested that you obtain a Section 10.7(5) Planning Certificate from Council.
This will contain information on how a property may be used, any restrictions on development and the various constraints that do or do not apply to the site.