To assist local businesses here in Campbelltown, we have compiled a diverse set of resources from reputable sources, to help you with your small business. The resources cover five phases of owning and running a small business:
Where can I access some free initial advice for starting a business?
Is there a checklist I can go through when starting a business?
How do I write a business plan?
How do I find out more about my target market?
I need more help with market research
I need more information about a business plan
Business plan - template and guide
What business structure should I choose?
Am I entitled to get an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
How do I get an Australian Business Number (ABN)?
What is GST?
How do I register for GST?
What is intellectual property?
If I sell goods on credit, how can I protect my interests?
Personal Property Security Register (PPSR) resources
PPSR Industry Information
So you've started a business, but what else do you need to know about running a business?
What do I need to know about employing staff?
Where can I get information about employing staff?
Your business has started, but how do you grow and diversify it further?
Is there a local chamber of commerce in Campbelltown?
Is there a local business networking group in Campbelltown?
I'd like to do some study about running a business
I'd like some free business resources that I can watch or listen to
How do I do something different in my business or industry?
How do I put together a strategy to be innovative?
Are there other resources to assist me to be innovative?
What to do if you start to get into business difficulty.
What can I do if I can't pay my bills?
Where can I get legal advice on debt issues?
What to do when it is time to exit your business.
Who can assist me to sell my business?
How can I find a business broker?
What is insolvency?
What are the implications for me as a director if my company is insolvent?
Disclaimer: Please note that the information and referrals on this website are intended to be general in nature and are not personal financial product advice. Before acting on any information, you should consider seeking independent business advice.