Campbelltown Economic Development Strategy 2020

The Economic Development Strategy (EDS)(PDF, 8MB) will provide a framework to help guide Campbelltown's economic transition towards a future state of diverse local job opportunities, higher value industry, knowledge and high skilled jobs, and a reskilled and upskilled workforce.
Developing the EDS
The EDS was developed in parallel to the Reimagining Campbelltown City Centre Masterplan and the Greater Sydney Commission's Place Strategy for Campbelltown to ensure that these three major strategic planning documents align and work towards consistent outcomes for our city and community.
Community, business and industry were engaged with throughout the development of the strategy via 1:1 interviews, industry workshops, online surveys and business engagement events.
Opportunity Target Sectors
Our future opportunity target sectors were identified by assessing the current strengths of the city and considering key competitors.
Our opportunity target sectors are:
- Health and Education
- Industrial
- Agribusiness
It is important for Campbelltown to leverage synergies between these sectors to further strengthen the potential of the city.
Next steps
Underpinned by an evidence based methodology, the EDS identifies the key drivers for economic growth in Campbelltown. These fall under four main priority areas:
- Better clustering and connecting businesses to achieve economic benefits
- Intensifying land use to promote a more efficient and productive economy that optimises infrastructure investment
- Increasing local job opportunities by attracting and creating more knowledge and high-skilled jobs
- Building on our education, health and industry strengths to upskill and reskill the local resident workforce.
We are focused on developing great places and a dynamic economy where businesses, families and neighbourhoods thrive.