Mobile Food Vehicles

We do not allow mobile food vehicles to trade on the roadside or on public land. Mobile food vehicles may only operate on private property with the permission of the land owner. Enforcement action may be taken against vehicles found trading in public places.
Mobile food vehicles must be constructed in accordance with Guidelines for mobile food vending vehicles as published by the NSW Food Authority.
Inspection and registration
Prior to trading within the Campbelltown Local Government Area, the food vehicle must be inspected and registered by our Environmental Health Officers to ensure compliance with the Food Act 2003, Food Regulations 2015, and the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Register your business now!
Once approval is granted, you may start trading. On an annual basis, you will be required to bring the food vehicle to Council for routine inspection.
Inspection times can be arranged by contacting us on 02 4645 4000.
Food safety supervisor requirements
You may be required to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor, depending on the food you will be selling. Please refer to our Food Safety Supervisor section for further information regarding these requirements.
Food labelling
If you are selling pre-packaged food, you must ensure the food is labelled in accordance with the Food Standards Code Part 1.2 Labelling and other information requirements and is being supplied by a registered premises (whether licensed with Council or the Food Authority, you are entitled to ask for proof of their registration).
You can not prepare food from a residential kitchen unless it has development approval and is a registered premise.
Food preparation
All food must be prepared on-site within the Mobile Food Vehicle. You can not prepare food from a residential kitchen unless it has development approval and is a registered premise.