South West Sydney Community and Justice Precinct
We 're developing a bold and exciting vision for a new community and justice precinct in the heart of Campbelltown 's City centre.
As we embark on the master planning process for this 5.7ha site in the Campbelltown CBD, we want to hear your ideas for the types of services, commercial and education opportunities, and public spaces you want to see as part of this precinct.
We envision a space that reflects the aspirations of communities, showcases local culture and builds on the character of the city centre.

Supported by the Australian Government and NSW Government through the Western Parkland City Authority and Western Sydney City Deal, the project has the potential to create new jobs, infrastructure and expanded access to government and justice services for the local area and south west Sydney.
Have your say
This first phase of consultation closed: Sunday, 19 June 2022.
Projects like this don 't come along very often. The precinct master plan needs to reflect the values and aspirations of Campbelltown residents and respond to the needs of people living in the Macarthur region and the broader Western City Parkland City to make it a true success.
Thanks to everyone who provided feedback, and engaged with us about the proposed South West Sydney Community and Justice Precinct. Your ideas have been passed on to the Urban Designers to help shape the master plan, which we will share with you later in the year.
Stay up to date and get involved in all our community consultations on:
Over to You
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do we need a Community and Justice Precinct?
Many south west Sydney residents currently travel to Parramatta or the Sydney CBD to access justice services. Additional local state and federal services would reduce the cost, time and associated stress this can cause to families involved in the justice process.
Co-locating justice services with complementary community civic services will improve access to justice for everyone in Campbelltown and the Western Parkland City.
The potential for a city library, university campus, community facilities, professional services, eateries and other commercial venues are also being explored as part of the master planning process to stimulate activity across the city centre and support the realisation of the Campbelltown City Centre Master Plan.
The precinct has the potential to create new jobs, infrastructure and improved access to government and justice services for the local area and south west Sydney region.

What justice services will be included in the precinct?
The site already accommodates local and district courts and a children’s court. The Australian and NSW Governments are exploring opportunities for additional justice services as part of the master plan, including local, district and children’s courts, and a NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Additionally, the Australian Government is investigating the need for federal courts and other federal justice and support services.
What community services will be included in the precinct?
The precinct has the potential to accommodate a range of community and legal support services that are being explored by Council and the NSW Government.
Under consideration is a city library, Council administrative facilities and professional justice, mental health, housing and children’s support services.
Where is the site?
The 5.7 hectare site is located opposite Campbelltown Station and fronts Mawson Park, Hurley Street and Queen Street. The parcel of land is owned by the NSW and local governments and accommodates existing justice and civic facilities.

Have any decisions been made?
No. In May 2018, Council agreed to pursue additional justice services in Campbelltown and has since finalised the strategic business case and initial round of community consultation to help inform the precinct design. The master plan is now being developed and more information will be shared with the community shortly.
What will happen to the buildings that are there now?
The original Campbelltown Courthouse on Queen Street is heritage listed and will be retained and preserved as part of the project. The optimal configuration of the site is being considered as part of the master planning process. This will determine the best locations for more courts, city library, Council administration and community facilities.
Have you consulted with the community?
Yes. Community aspirations for the precinct were sought from 6-20 June 2022 to inform the design of the master plan.
Communities were engaged using a variety of different platforms including an online survey, face to face and via a media campaign. A total of 542 surveys were completed with 1,700 unique visitors to the website. Detailed information about the consultation can be found in the Community Consultation Insights Report.(PDF, 26MB)
What is a master plan?
A master plan outlines the future vision for a site to support growth and development.
The master plan will consider the inclusion of additional district and local courts with associated wrap-around professional and social services, new council chambers as well as a civic presence. Community uses, including a city library, satellite university campus, childcare, cafés, restaurants and retail will also be considered.
Who is leading the design of the master plan?
The development of the precinct master plan is being led by the Western Parkland City Authority with support from Council and the Australian and NSW Governments, as part of the Western Sydney City Deal.
When will the master plan be complete?
We anticipate the draft master plan will be finalised in 2023.
What happens once the master plan is done?
The master plan will provide the various levels of government with the detail of information they need to make a formal decision about whether to proceed with the project.
Is environmental sustainability being considered in the master plan?
Yes. Each government partner is aware of the importance of building high quality facilities based on best practice and environmental sustainability principles.
Who is funding this project?
The Australian and NSW Governments, and Council, jointly funded the strategic business case that was completed in May 2021 and continue to equally fund the current master planning phase.
How much has the project cost so far?
In October 2020, the three levels of government jointly funded a strategic business case to the value of $1 million. In November 2021, the same government partners contributed equally to the development of the master plan valued at a total of $1.2 million.
If this project proceeds, will my rates increase?
The construction of community facilities would need to be costed and funding sources identified as part of Council’s evaluation of the project. It is typical that a project of this nature would attract funding through multiple sources, such as government grants, developer contributions (Section 7.11 Contributions), commercial investment and Council funding.
When would construction start?
There will be no commitment to start construction until a formal evaluation of the draft master plan has been completed by each government partner and a decision made to proceed with the precinct. We will update the community when we have more information to share.
Where will I be able to park?
The provision of parking will be done as part of the master planning process and is not yet decided. The draft master plan will be shared with the community when it 's complete late this year. At this time, we will invite the community to provide feedback which will be taken into consideration in the final master plan.
When will it be open?
The project is currently in the concept phase and plans are still being finalised. When the master plan is complete, each level of government will conduct its own financial analysis and decide whether to consider taking it to the next phase of design. An indicative completion date will be determined at that stage.
Will there be a jail in the precinct?
No. A jail is not being explored as part of the precinct.
Will there be commercial facilities onsite?
Yes. The precinct will have the potential to accommodate commercial spaces such as for dining, offices, retail outlets and venues.
Will Campbelltown City Library be in the precinct?
A new city library is being explored as part of the precinct and will be included in the master plan.
What will happen to the old Campbelltown Courthouse?
The Campbelltown Courthouse is heritage listed and will be preserved in its current location.
How will the Campbelltown Police Station be incorporated into the site?
The Campbelltown Police Station is directly beside the precinct and would therefore have direct access to the site.
Delivery framework reference
City Making Move, 1 - Growing the Engine Room
Reimagining Campbelltown City Centre Master Plan 2020, Page 114 - Campbelltown 's CBD is the civic and economic heart of the Macarthur region. Designed as a destination to live, work and play, it offers quality spaces for business activities, civic functions, education, entertainment, dining, retail and residential living. The CBD is a super mixed-use precinct with blurred boundaries between land uses to promote agglomeration and dynamic living centres through an 18-hour economy. The CBD is anchored by a revived high street that connects place and history to create a compelling setting that welcomes all.