Street Appeal Shop Front Improvement Grant

First impressions count! We know that peeling paint, faded signs and broken tiles can all have a big impact on how your customers, and the public, look at and engage with your business.
If you've noticed some improved shop fronts recently, in and around the Queen Street Precinct, this is all thanks to the Street Appeal facade improvement grant program that we piloted during 2021.
As part of the program, 20 local businesses were awarded $2000 grants to use on projects to enhance their business shopfronts and contribute towards creating a more attractive and inviting atmosphere for visitors to the city centre.
We're also excited to announce, that this year we're rolling out phase two of the Street Appeal Grant in two locations - Campbelltown and Ingleburn.
You can check out some of the before and after images from the Street Appeal 2021 program.
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