Tenders and Quotations
Tenders, Quotations and Expression of Interest
You are able to register online, view a listing of current opportunities, download the relevant documentation, and submit a tender all via Council's eTendering portal.
Tenderlink has a full audit trail and reduces the time and costs for both you and Council.
Hard copies are available for purchase from Council's Customer Service Centre (cnr Queen and Broughton Streets, Campbelltown) but we encourage you to take the paperless alternative.
For more information, contact the Procurement and Contracts team on 02 4645 4155. Or, take a few moments to watch this Tendering and Procurement Process Explainer video that shares some helpful tips for getting your response right.
Tendering & Procurement Process Explainer (2 Minutes) from Campbelltown City Council on Vimeo.
Statement of Business Ethics
We are committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness and integrity in all our business dealings.
Council operates according to a Code of Conduct(PDF, 450KB) that sets out the standards of behaviour that Councillors and staff are expected to live by when dealing with other colleagues, our customers and suppliers, members of the public and the community.
The Statement of Business Ethics(PDF, 2MB) (PDF, 2MB) sets out the standards of behaviour that Council expects from its private sector partners. These standards of behaviour relate to fair, ethical and honest dealings with Council, and ensuring that the best level of service is provided to the community.