We serve a diverse and thriving community of more than 175,000 people across 35 suburbs in the 312 square kilometres making up Campbelltown City’s local government area.
We’re the south west gateway to metropolitan Sydney. We’ve been identified as a priority growth area and one of four strategic city centres for Greater Western Sydney.
We employ over 1,100 staff across 380 different job roles at 27 geographically dispersed work sites. Our many services can be summarised in 10 main areas:
- Arts and culture
- City planning and amenities
- Community, events and education
- Environmental protection
- Governance and administration
- Health, safety and regulation
- Investment, tourism and growth
- Roads, parking and transport
- Parks and recreation
- Waste and recycling
If you’re looking for a role that can
- make a positive difference to our community
- enhance the experience of people in our community
- imagine and realise new possibilities for our community,
then consider joining us. Opportunity awaits!
Learn more about our organisation
About Campbelltown
Corporate Planning and Strategy - Campbelltown 2032
For demographic information about our community, see the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics census data.

We aspire to create a sense of optimism for our community and our organisation. A place of possibilities where all our people can thrive.
This is captured in our community vision:
A City of Opportunity for All
In response, our organisational mission is:
To lead the delivery of the community’s vision for Campbelltown.
Key to delivering our vision and mission are our corporate shared values:
It is through respect, integrity and teamwork that we build trust and create optimism for Campbelltown’s future.
Click below to reveal what our values mean to us.

Campbelltown Values

We care for our employees and provide support to ensure their health and wellbeing.
Here are some benefits we offer:
- 4 weeks annual leave per year.
- 3 weeks leave to cover illness, carer responsibilities and support health and wellbeing.
- 6.5 weeks long service leave after 5 years of service.
- Flexible work arrangements.
- Paid domestic and family violence leave.
- Learning and professional development support including financial assistance and paid study leave.
- Secure and free staff car parking.
- Weekly pay with salary sacrifice options.
- EAP assistance.
- Corporate fitness passport.

We value our employees and like to recognise and reward them for their contribution to our community and workplace.
Here are a few ways we show our appreciation:
- Skills, Performance and Development Reviews
Annual salary increases linked to performance and skills attainment.
- BOLDS staff excellence awards
Recognise the outstanding efforts of colleagues who have achieved the extraordinary for our community and / or workplace.
- Serving our Community awards
Recognise the continued dedication of colleagues who have reached nominated milestones in serving our community.
We're always striving to improve and make an effort to check in with our employees to see how we're performing. It helps us to understand:
- What we're doing well?
- Where we've improved?
- What we need to focus more attention on?
Here is a snapshot of recent staff survey feedback about us as an employer:

We’re proud of our employees and the wider recognition they receive for the work they do for our community and workplace.
Here are some of our recent achievements:
2023 Local Government Professionals NSW Excellence Awards
Finalist, People, Workplace, Wellbeing Award - Mate Check safety culture campaign (People and Performance team)
2022 Local Government Professionals NSW Excellence Awards
Winner, Risk Management Award -Keep Safe program (Operations team)
2022 Local Government NSW Excellence in the Environment Awards
Winner, Communication, Education and Empowerment - Platypus Pals (Natural Areas team)
2022 Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI) Awards
Finalist, Organisational Development Award -Imagine the Possibilities (People and Performance team)
Finalist, Health and Wellbeing Award -Mate Check (People and Performance team)
2022 National Awards for Local Government
Honourable Mention, Waste Management – Mattress Recycling (Operations team)
2022 Local Government Week – Leo Kelly OAM Arts and Culture Awards
Highly Commended, Arts and Culture Project – Budjari Mudjingaal (Campbelltown Arts Centre)
2022 NSW Public Libraries Association
Highly Commended, Innovation in Outreach Services Awards – LBGTQIA+ Action Group (Library team)
2021 Disability Services Australia
Employer of the Year - Work Experience Program (People and Performance team)
2021 Local Government NSW RH Doherty Award
Winner, Excellence in Communication - Koala town program (Natural Areas and Communications teams)
2021 National Local Government Customer Service Awards
Highly Commended, National Customer Service Team of the Year
2021 NSW Tourism Awards
Finalist, Destination Campaign of the Year - We are Campbelltown documentary series (City Marketing & Economy, Visitor Information Centre and Communications teams)