Amenities Upgrade Eschol Park Sporting Complex This upgrade and refurbishment provides fit for purpose football activities, allowing community based clubs to continue delivery of recreational opportunities to the community from facilities that are accessible, modern and safe.
Arunta Reserve - Playspace Upgrade Arunta Reserve Leumeah is a neighbourhood playspace that has been identified for an upgrade as part of the 23/24 Playspace Program.
Aviary on Q Originally built in the 1980s and recently uncovered, Aviary on Q is now open for community bookings, providing a free venue for creative and cultural workshops, community consultation, art and crafts, and other community-led activities. Following Community consultation, the space has been named Aviary on Q, with reference to community memories of birds inhabiting this space for a long time.
Badgally Road Rehabilitation Program Road works will take place on Badgally Road from Blaxland Road to North Steyne Road (counter direction) as a part of the Roads to Recovery Program funded by the Federal Government.
Bob Prenter Reserve Amenities Building Upgrade The aim of this project is to develop a facility that is set to be a new standard for a regional sporting facility in the heart of Macquarie Fields. This facility will support the growth of local community sporting clubs such as South West Blues, Gaelic Football and Little Athletics.
Bow Bowing Neighbourhood Centre - New Playspace Bow Bowing Neighbourhood Centre, Bow Bowing, is a neighbourhood playspace that was identified for a new playground as part of the 23/24 Playspace Program.
Bradbury Multipurpose Courts Construction of two new multipurpose courts in the Bradbury Oval precinct.
Bradbury Park Cricket Practice Wickets Renewal Program Bradbury Park Cricket Practice Wickets has been renewed under Council's Annual Asset Renewal Program.
Campbelltown Arts Centre Expansion Campbelltown Arts Centre expansion will build on the strengths of the existing infrastructure, growing to meet the arts and cultural desires of the Macarthur community. It will become a regional facility for the fastest-growing region in Australia.
Campbelltown Athletics Centre Synthetic Surface Replacement The aim of this project is to replace the artificial and natural turf areas, as well as the replacement of the existing red colour track at Campbelltown Athletics Centre. Once completed the track will meet the World Athletics Class 2 guidelines.