Council documents, policies, strategies, plans and publications

Council is committed to the proactive release of our policies and corporate documents pursuant to the requirements in the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2009.

If you would like access to a policy or document that is currently unavailable online in the list below, please contact Council's Access to Information Officer on 02 4645 4000.


Access and Equity - People with Disability (currently unavailable online)

This Policy ensures that people with disability as far as possible have equal access to all Council facilities and services.

Access to Information Policy (PDF, 87KB)

This Policy ensure that information held by Campbelltown City Council is made available in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA).

Access to the Roads and Maritime Services Driver and Vehicle Information System Policy(PDF, 102KB)

This Policy defines the conditions surrounding the use by Council staff of the New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services Driver and Vehicle Information System (DRIVES).

Acquisition of Property Policy (PDF, 103KB)

This Policy ensures that Council meets its legislative obligations under the relevant Act(s) for the acquisition of property and that Council has transparent and accountable processes in place for the acquisition of property. 

Annual Report

The Annual Report is a summary of Council's activities conducted throughout the previous financial year, including financial statements and other general information.

Asbestos Policy(PDF, 618KB)

This Policy outlines Council's approach to managing asbestos.

Asset Capitalisation(PDF, 210KB)

This Policy oversees the accounting and capitalisation (recognition) of assets for Campbelltown City Council. 

Asset Disposal Policy(PDF, 76KB)

This Policy ensures that the disposal of Council’s assets are undertaken in accordance with the relevant legislation and Council’s procedures.

Asset Management Policy(PDF, 110KB)

This Policy provides clear direction on the management of Council controlled asset responsibilities and to ensure Council is able to deal with changes to meet community needs in accordance with relevant legislation.


Bicycle Education and Road Safety Policy(PDF, 82KB)

This Policy is to set out the rules and regulations that will apply to all users of the Bicycle Education and Road Safety Centre and to provide education for children and cyclists in road behaviour, bicycle skills and pedestrian safety in a fun and safe environment.

Booking of Campbelltown Athletics Centre for school carnivals (currently unavailable online)

This Policy ensures that local schools have priority in booking the Campbelltown Athletics Centre for their local, zone and regional school athletics carnivals.

Bushfire Management Policy(PDF, 77KB)

This Policy details criteria and procedures to be followed in reducing bushfire risk within Campbelltown City Council bushland reserves.


Campbelltown City Community Facilities Strategy

This strategy will guide the planning and delivery of community facilities of community facilities to our community, both now and into the future.

Campbelltown City Council Art Collection Policy(PDF, 106KB)

This Policy documents the process for the selection of a permanent art collection for the Campbelltown Arts Centre.

Cashier Shortages(PDF, 87KB)

This policy outlines procedures for cashier shortages.

Child protection(PDF, 116KB)

This Policy outlines the processes Council has in place for child protection.

Closed Circuit Television Policy(PDF, 120KB)

This policy recognises the need to ensure that the CCTV systems are used appropriately and the privacy of residents, workers and visitors is protected.

Closure and Sale of Walkways Policy(PDF, 64KB)

This Policy establishes a consistent method and standard approach for the community and Campbelltown City Council as to the circumstances under which walkways can be formally closed.

Code of Conduct(PDF, 450KB)

This Policy guides Councillors, staff, Council delegates and contractors of Council. It provides consistent advice on expectations of the organisation with regards to appropriate and ethical conduct.

Code of Conduct Procedures(PDF, 175KB)

This Policy provides Councillors, staff, Council delegates and Contractors of Council who provide services to the Council with a common understanding of the organisations expectations in regard to ethical conduct.

Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 224KB)

The object of this code is to provide for the convening and conduct of meetings of Campbelltown City Council and of Committees of Council.

Community Development Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy guides the implementation and development of community development programs through engaging residents, non-government organisations and government agencies.

Community Engagement(PDF, 168KB)

  1. To build trust and foster positive relationships between Campbelltown City Council and the community and other stakeholders.
  2. To enable community members to understand and, where appropriate, provide input to planning and decision making on Council’s projects, services and initiatives.
  3. To enable more efficient delivery of Council projects, services and initiatives based on a clearer understanding of community needs, interests and expectations.
  4. To provide a consistent framework for community engagement across Council.
  5. To enable engagement activities to be delivered as effectively as possible.

NSW Office of Sport Grant Programs Applications Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy provides a clear direction on the Communities NSW Sport and Recreation Facility grants funding process when establishing Council and sporting organisation financial contributions.

2017-2027 Community Strategic Plan(PDF, 3MB)

Campbelltown 2027 is Council’s highest level strategic plan and will inform the strategic planning of the Council to ensure we are working towards the aspirations of our community over the next 10 years.

Complaint Handling Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy details the complaint handling process used by Council.

Contract Management Policy(PDF, 146KB)

This Policy documents Campbelltown City Council’s requirements for contract management.

Coonamble Staff Exchange Program Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy details the Campbelltown City Council and Coonamble Shire Council staff exchange program process.

Corporate Communications Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy guides the corporate communications from and within Council.

Corporate Sponsorship of Council Activities Policy(PDF, 117KB)

This Policy details appropriate circumstances in which Council can secure sponsorship which benefit the Council and the community.

Councillor Protocol Policy(PDF, 140KB)

This Policy provides a framework for Councillors when exercising their civic functions by specifically addressing the individual and collective roles and responsibilities of the Mayor, and Councillors and their interaction with the General Manager and staff.

Community newsletter - Compass

Compass is a quarterly newsletter published by Council. The newsletter is designed to keep you up to date with Council related activities and services, as well as upcoming events.

Council meetings and minutes

Decisions that formulate the policies and services of the City are made at a number of levels, from committees to full Council, with the minutes of these meetings made available to the public.


Data Breach Policy(PDF, 124KB)

This Policy outlines Council's protocol for the management of data breaches and to ensure Council's compliance with the Mandatory Notification of Data Breach scheme. 

Development Application Process

This page can assist you in navigating the Development Application (DA) process.

Developer Contribution Plans(PDF, 5MB)

Council levies contributions from developers for public amenities and services that are required as a consequence of development. Developer contributions are essential in maintaining access to the facilities and services that support the high quality of life that residents of Campbelltown enjoy.

Development Control Plans

Development Control Plans provide specific guidelines for certain types of development, in certain parts of the Campbelltown Local Government Area.

Directional Signage on Public Roads(PDF, 90KB)

This policy applies to all requests received for the provision of directional signage on public roads to public and private facilities and businesses within the Campbelltown Local Government Area.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017-2021(PDF, 5MB)

The purpose of the Campbelltown City DIAP is to promote positive attitudes to disability inclusion across the city, and provide a basis for policy and action by government, business and non-government sectors as our city grows.

Divestment of Land and Building Assets Policy(PDF, 97KB) 

This Policy provides a a transparent and accountable process for the divestment of Council’s surplus land and building assets.


Early Childhood Educational Philosophy and Program(PDF, 136KB)

This Council program provides children with a high quality educational program. Our educational philosophy is influenced and based on the Education and Care Services National Regulations, The Early Years Learning Framework, My Time Our Place, the National Quality Standards and the Partnerships in Early Childhood Program.

Education and Care Service Policy(PDF, 62KB) 

This Policy outlines how Council fosters and supports the overall coordination, development and implementation of education and care services within the community.

Electronic Signature Policy(PDF, 84KB)

The objectives of this Policy are to:

  1. Provide information and guide staff in the use of electronic signatures in Council correspondence and documents.
  2. Provide circumstances where the use of electronic signatures conforms to laws and regulations in NSW.
  3. Ensure confidence in the use of electronic signatures for business transactions.

Emergency Management

Disasters such as bushfires, floods and storms, loss of utilities and risks to human and animal health can strike at any time - sometimes without warning. All disasters have the potential to cause disruption, damage property and take lives.

Environmental Education Plan(PDF, 10MB)

The Environmental Education Plan provides a guiding framework for future environmental education projects and programs in the community and in Council’s operations.

Equal Employment Opportunity Plan(PDF, 204KB)

The Equal Employment Opportunity Plan promotes fair and non-discriminatory practices for potential and current employees

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy details fair and non-discriminatory practices for potential and current employees.


Financial information

The financial information includes the financial statements, annual budget and fees and charges for the current financial year.

Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy(PDF, 156KB)

This Policy Council’s approach to address and reduce the risks of maladministration, fraud and corruption affecting Council officers, Councillors, Operations and Services.


Grants, Sponsorship and Donations Policy(PDF, 111KB)

This Policy outlines Council's provision of financial assistance in the form of grants, sponsorships and donations to individuals and groups to develop leadership skills, increase participation in community life and address identified social issues.


Hardship Policy(PDF, 118KB)

This policy documents the financial hardship relief process of Council.

Healthy Food and Drink Policy(PDF, 124KB)

This Policy facilitates and encourages a healthy food and drink lifestyle for all staff, volunteers and the community through influencing healthier food and drink choices.

Hire of Playing Fields Policy(PDF, 177KB)

  1. To establish policy and guidelines for the hire of playing fields to hirers.
  2. To establish procedures for the allocation of playing fields and sporting facilities.
  3. To set out conditions of hire for playing fields and sporting facilities.
  4. To identify specific facilities that will be exempted from this policy through the provision of long term licence.

Home Security and Property Marking(PDF, 441KB)

Campbelltown is committed to improving the safety of our residents. On this page you will find tips and advice on home security and marking your property.

House Numbering on Kerbs Policy(PDF, 113KB)

This policy documents the standard for kerbside numbering within the City of Campbelltown.


Inappropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy(PDF, 116KB)

This policy guides the legal and moral obligation of Council in relation to harassment, bullying and violence in the workplace.

Internal Reporting Policy(PDF, 169KB)

This Policy outlines Council's procedures for receiving, assessing and dealing with public interest disclosures based on the NSW Ombudsman’s model policy and the NSW Ombudsman’s guidelines.

Integrated Planning and Reporting

The Integrated Planning and Reporting framework captures the community's ideas about the future and plans for how they can become a reality.

Interim Development Orders(PDF, 167KB)

Interim Development Orders contain zoning and development controls for certain land located outside of the urban areas of Campbelltown.

Investment Policy(PDF, 120KB)

This policy guides the management of the investment portfolio of Council.

Investment Property Portfolio - Strategy for Revenue Growth Policy(PDF, 78KB)

This policy aims to clearly define the types of property investment that Council can enter into.


Comprehensive Koala Plan of Management(PDF, 12MB)

This policy guides applicants with the development application process for koalas in the Campbelltown LGA, as required under State Environmental Planning Policy - Koala Habitat Protection (Koala SEPP).


Land Dedication Policy(PDF, 113KB)

This Policy sets the standard for the type, quality, nature, condition and process for the dedication of land to Council.

Library Strategic Plan

Connect, Create, Learn is a strategic document that guides the future direction of the Campbelltown City Library Service.

Local Environmental Plans

Local Environmental Plans guide planning decisions in Campbelltown and establish the requirements for the use and development of land.

Lowering of flags for the passing of significant members of the Aboriginal and / or the Torres Strait Islander community (currently unavailable online)

This policy provides guidance about who can fly the Australian National Flag, the dignity of the flag, flying and handling the flag and disposal of flags.

Library Collection Development Policy(PDF, 126KB)

This Policy facilitates the provision of an up to date library collection that meets the needs of the Campbelltown community.


Managing Conflicts of Interest for Council-related Development Policy (PDF, 96KB)

This Policy documents how potential conflicts of interest will be managed in the development application assessment process for council-related developments to increase transparency at all stages of the development process where Council is involved with an application as a developer, landowner or holds a commercial interest in land. 

Management of Feral and Infant Companion Animals Policy(PDF, 64KB)

This Policy authorises the humane euthanasia of seized, abandoned or surrendered feral and infant companion animals.

Media Policy(PDF, 45KB)

This Policy outlines the appropriate processes for responding to media enquiries by Council staff.

Memorials and Monuments in Public Open Space Policy(PDF, 98KB)

This Policy provides applicants and Council with the framework for assessment and review of memorials and monuments on Council land within the Campbelltown local government area.


Noxious Weed Management Strategy(PDF, 39MB)

The Campbelltown Noxious Weed Management Strategy provides clear principles and guidelines for Council and the community on how noxious weeds within the Campbelltown LGA are to be managed and the mechanisms available to facilitate control or removal.


Open Space Strategic Plan(PDF, 588KB)

The Open Space Plan is a high level strategic document that assists in developing an integrated and balanced response to the demands of existing and future Public Open Space needs in the Campbelltown LGA.

Outdoor Fire Safety

It is important to remember that staying safe around fire doesn’t just include bushfires and fire risks inside the home. The NSW Rural Fire Service has produced a number of fact sheets to help ensure that you stay safe when having fun outdoors or away from home.

Overhead Charges Applicable To Works for External Organisations(PDF, 95KB)

This Policy documents the process for the recovery of overhead costs incurred when conducting works on behalf of private organisations.


Parks, Reserves, Roads, Assets and Facilities Names Policy(PDF, 81KB)

This Policy guides the naming of public areas, including roads, assets and reserves so that the official name can be assigned as a place name under the Geographical Names Act 1966.

Partial Property Transfer(PDF, 89KB)

This Policy documents the process for maintaining accurate records of land title transfers.

Payment of Expenses and Provision of Facilities to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors Policy(PDF, 136KB)

This Policy ensures that there is accountability and transparency in the reimbursement of expenses incurred or to be incurred by Councillors.

Pesticide Use Notification Policy(PDF, 97KB)

This Policy ensures that Council uses pesticides in prescribed public spaces in a safe and effective manner and in accordance with relevant legislation and policy.

Planning Studies

Consultation with the local community has contributed to long term plans and strategies that guide the future development and growth of the City of Campbelltown.

Play Space Strategy (The State of Play)

This Strategy provides a comprehensive and prioritised plan for the future development and management of play ground facilities across Campbelltown City to 2036.

Privacy Management Policy(PDF, 169KB)

This Policy informs the community and educates staff on access to personal information to maximise compliance with the Privacy and Personal Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002.

Procurement Policy(PDF, 75KB)

This Policy ensures that procurement activities that are conducted in accordance with relevant legislation and the Procurement and Contract Management Procedures of Council.

Professional Service Provider Use of Council Recreation Facilities (currently unavailable online)

This Policy outlines the process for access to the Leisure and Indoor Sports Centres of Council by professional service providers . It also outlines applicable payment of fees and charges.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions(PDF, 96KB)

This document outlines the purchase order terms and conditions for Campbelltown City Council.


Rate Recovery Procedure Policy(PDF, 96KB)

This Policy documents the recovery process for outstanding rates and charges from ratepayers.

Rateable Valuation Aggregation (strata schemes) Policy(PDF, 103KB)

This Policy documents the aggregation of rateable valuations for strata schemes.

Recognition of Service - Councillors Policy(PDF, 98KB)

This Policy outlines the process for recognising retiring and existing Councillors for their years of service.

Refunds Policy(PDF, 72KB)

This Policy outlines the process of refunding monies paid to Council.

Roadside Memorials Policy(PDF, 84KB)

This Policy allows the placement of a suitable roadside memorial by families and friends of persons deceased on or near public roads, while taking into account any comments by family and nearby residents.


Second Hand Clothing Bins Policy(PDF, 106KB)

This Policy guides the management and location of second-hand clothing bins.

Sport and Recreation Strategy (2016 - 2036)

The Strategy provides a comprehensive and prioritised plan for the future development and management of sport and recreation facilities across Campbelltown City to 2036.

Stadium Content Attraction and Retention Policy (PDF, 98KB)

This Policy demonstrates Council's commitment building strong and resilient communities within the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA) and to maximising social wellbeing for all residents by attracting events and entertainment content to the LGA that drives both economic uplift and the opportunity to participate, enjoy and socialise. 

Staff Exchange Program between Campbelltown City Council and Koshigaya City Office (currently unavailable online)

This Policy details the Campbelltown City Council and Koshigaya City staff exchange program process.

State of the Environment Reports

The State of the Environment Report (SoE) is compiled each financial year by Council in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

Statement of Business Ethics(PDF, 2MB)

The Statement of Business Ethics sets out the standards of behaviour that Council expects from its private sector partners. These standards of behaviour relate to fair, ethical and honest dealings with Council, and ensuring that the best level of service is provided to the community.

Street Trading Policy(PDF, 1MB)

This Policy provides a framework for Council to deal with requests for the use of community land being footways and roadways, for certain non-commercial and commercial activities.

Submissions by Council Policy(PDF, 74KB)

This Policy documents the general principles that apply to submissions made by Council to government or non-government inquiries, reviews or consultation.

Sundry Debtor Recovery Procedures(PDF, 125KB)

This Policy documents the recovery process for outstanding sundry debtor accounts.

Sustainable Events Policy(PDF, 96KB)

This Policy encourages Council employees to adopt sustainable practices as part of their events management.

Sustainable Planting Policy (currently unavailable online)

This Policy guides the planting of locally species of plants on public land within Campbelltown.


Tree guidelines

This page informs you of the Native Gardening Guide and the Tree Planting Guide. There is also information on how to remove/dispose of trees on private property.


Unclaimed Money Policy(PDF, 91KB)

This Policy documents the obligation of Council to administer and remit unclaimed monies to the NSW Office of State Revenue.

Unsolicited Proposal Policy(PDF, 167KB)

This Policy provides confidence to our community and potential proponents that all unsolicited proposals presented to Council will be considered in a consistent, transparent and lawful manner to deliver the highest standards of public value. Visit the Unsolicited Proposals page for further information.

Urban Renewal and City Revitalisation Policy(PDF, 78KB)

This Policy sets out the framework on how Council will identify, program and deliver urban renewal and city revitalisation projects that align with the policy objectives. These projects will catalyse urban renewal, and in the process, fund other key initiatives within the Campbelltown LGA.

Use of Public Open Space by Commercial Fitness Trainers(PDF, 187KB)

This Policy provides an effective management framework for the use of Council's parks, public reserves, public open spaces, and sporting grounds by Commercial Fitness Trainers.


Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) Policy (PDF, 126KB)

Voluntary Planning Agreements (planning agreements) are negotiated between planning authorities and developers in conjunction with applications for changes to environmental planning instruments (planning proposals) or for consent to carry out development (development applications). To meet best practice principles and protect the public interest and the integrity of the planning process, a VPA Policy and Procedure has been developed to ensure Council uses a set of policy principles and procedures that ensure transparency, fairness and flexibility of planning decisions relating to the consideration, negotiation and execution of planning agreements.

Volunteer Handbook (currently unavailable online)

This Volunteers Handbook contains a range of information important to your role as a Campbelltown City Council Volunteer. It provides a range of information including Council policies, Work Health and Safety and emergency information.


Work Health and Safety Policy(PDF, 112KB)

This Policy guides the process of managing health, safety and welfare in the workplace.