ClubGRANTS is a state-wide initiative that recognises the significant financial support for projects and services local Clubs make by contributing to the wellbeing of their communities.

The ClubGRANTS round provides the opportunity for local projects to apply for funding from the Campbelltown Clubs under the scheme. Camden projects are also considered. Sector Connect is responsible for overseeing the administration of ClubGRANTS in Campbelltown in consultation with Campbelltown City Council and the Department of Communities and Justice.

How to apply

Go to the ClubNSW ClubGrants website and find your local grant round to submit your application

Go to the Sector Connect website to access the online application for projects within the Campbelltown region.

Who funds the scheme?

The scheme is funded by a 1.5% gaming machine tax rebate provided by the State Government. A local committee has been convened in the Campbelltown area to make funding recommendations to local ClubGRANTS clubs.

Participating clubs in the Campbelltown area are:

All Council Grants are governed by the Grants, Sponsorship and Donations Policy(PDF, 111KB)