Councillors and Designated Persons Disclosure of Interest Returns

Pursuant to clause 4.21 of the Code of Conduct, Councillors and Designated Persons are required to lodge a Disclosure of Interest Return to the Chief Executive Officer. The purpose of the disclosure provisions within the Code is to ensure transparency and accountability for Council's actions.

A Designated Person is described in clause 4.8 of the Code as the General Manager (Chief Executive Officer), other senior staff of the Council and persons who hold a position identified by the Council as a position which involves the exercise of functions under the Local Government Act 1993, or any other Act that, in their exercise, could give rise to a conflict between the person's duty as a member of staff or delegate and the person's private interest.

The information contained in these Returns are made publicly available for the previous year's reporting period in accordance with the requirements of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 [GIPA Act], the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation 2018 and guidelines issued by the Information and Privacy Commission. Council keeps records of past Disclosure of Interest Returns which can be accessed by request. 

Pursuant to section 6(5) of the GIPA Act, a record(PDF, 95KB) has been maintained of the information redacted from the Returns. 

A record(PDF, 72KB) has also been kept of the information redacted in the preliminary returns of the new Councillors on the basis of an overriding public interest against disclosure.

Councillors 2023-24 Reporting Period

Name Document
Councillor George Brticevic Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor John Chew Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Margaret Chivers Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Masood Chowdhury Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Joshua Cotter Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Marian George Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor George Greiss Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Karen Hunt Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Masud Khalil Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 972KB)
Councillor Darcy Lound Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Rey Manoto Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Warren Morrison Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Riley Munro Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Meg Oates Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Matt Stellino Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)

New Councillors 2024-25 Preliminary Returns

Name Document
Councillor Seta Berbari Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Masood Chowdhury Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Joshua Cotter Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Khaled Halabi Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Karen Hunt Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Masud Khalil Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Darcy Lound Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Cameron McEwan Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Warren Morrison Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Meg Oates Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Ash Rahman Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Councillor Jayden Rivera Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Theo Triebels Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 2MB)
Councillor Isabella Wisniewska Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 207KB)
Councillor Adam Zahra Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)

Designated Persons

Position Name Document
Chief Executive Officer Lindy Deitz Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)

Deputy General Manager | 

City Services and Lifestyles

Ben Hoyle Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)

Deputy General Manager | 

City Governance, Planning and Futures

Jai Rowell Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 205KB)
 Director City Planning and Environment  Jim Baldwin  Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
Executive Advisor Rebecca Grasso Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
 ARIC Chair Bruce Hanrahan  Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 920KB)
 ARIC Member Jim Mitchell Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)
 ARIC Member Rhonda Wheatley Disclosure of Interest Return(PDF, 1MB)