Our Animal Care Facility will be closed to the public this Friday 14 March.
Campbelltown City designed for ambition, innovation and opportunity.
Find out about the history of Campbelltown City Council, our Councillors, meetings information and minutes of previous Council meetings that are available to the public.
Information about Council meetings, access to agendas, minutes and online recordings.
Take a look at the Organisational Structure within Campbelltown City Council.
Council consists of 15 Councillors who are elected every 4 years through the Local Government elections.
Access to information collected and held by Campbelltown City Council is made available in accordance with the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA)
Register of Contracts in accordance with the GIPA act.
The community's long term vision for the future of Campbelltown is delivered through Council's corporate planning, strategy and reporting framework.
Information on various Campbelltown City Council policies, strategies, plans, publications and processes.
A number of opportunities are available for financial support to locally based non profit community groups and organisations in Campbelltown. Council also regularly seeks grant funding opportunities.
A brief overview of the history of Campbelltown City Council, how it has developed, and its floral emblem.
Campbelltown City Council School Tours provides students with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and understanding of the role Council plays within the local community.
The Code of Conduct requires Councillors and Designated Persons to lodge a disclosure of Interest Return to the General Manager.
Council's financial information, including the fees and charges and financial statements for the current financial year is made available to the public following Council approval each year.
Here you'll find important information about rates for property owners, as well as answers to some commonly asked questions
The local government election was held on 14 September 2024.The election results and vote count information is provided.