Council Feedback/Suggestions
We appreciate you taking the time to report an issue or tell us what you think about our website, strategies, services and facilities.
![A graphic image depicting messages being sent and received using social media and email](/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/have-your-say/images/purchased_feedback_banner.jpg?w=1060&h=444)
We use all feedback responses to monitor and improve our service for the benefit of our community.
Want to report a property or neighbourhood issue or problem (e.g. illegally dumped rubbish/litter, graffiti hit, missing signs and tree - pruning, removal, branch collection, infestation)?
You can report a number of these issues online - online requests are actioned as quickly as a call to our Customer Service team.
Want to provide feedback/suggestions on Council's website, strategies, services and facilities?
You can tell us what you think or make a suggestion by completing our feedback and suggestions form online.