Privacy Statement

Campbelltown City Council is committed to protecting the privacy of our customers, business contacts, Councillors, employees, contractors and volunteers.

Privacy law

Government agencies are required to comply with the Information Protection Principles in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998(PDF, 574KB) (PPIP Act). These regulate the collection, storage, use and disclosure of personal information held by government agencies.

Privacy policy

Campbelltown City Council Privacy Management Policy(PDF, 169KB)

Your personal information

Generally, any personal information you provide to us will be used and disclosed for Council’s purposes, or a directly related purpose, unless you consent to another use or disclosure, in emergencies or as otherwise required or authorised by law.

Under the PPIP Act, you have rights to access any of your personal information held by Council, without excessive delay or expense. You also have a right to have your personal information corrected, in certain circumstances (eg. if it is inaccurate).

Accessing or updating your personal information
Should you wish to access or correct your personal information, please make a written request to Council’s Public Officer:

Public Officer
Campbelltown City Council
PO Box 57

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