Garden Waste Disposal
Dumping of garden waste is one of the main contributors to the spread of weeds into our natural environment.
What is garden waste?
Garden waste is any material from your garden including lawn clippings, prunings, plants, twigs, branches, leaves, soil, dirt and mulch that have been generated through plant removal, tree pruning, lawn mowing and other gardening activities.
The organic material generated from these maintenance activities could contain weeds without you even knowing.
![Greenwaste dumping in bushland at the Georges River Corridor, Kentlyn](/files/sharedassets/public/v/1/local-environment/images/gardenwastedumpedkentlyn.jpeg?w=500&h=375)
Greenwaste dumping in bushland at the Georges River Corridor, Kentlyn.
Why is dumping garden waste a problem?
- Destroys bushland areas and habitat for native animals
- Brings disease, pests and weeds into areas of native bush
- Can replace native plant species with invasive weeds
- Destroys the beauty of bushland and decreases its appeal
- Increases the risk of bushfires to bushland and nearby properties
- Costs ratepayers and the government money to clean up and dispose of the dumped material appropriately
- Attracts more illegal dumping.
Your garden waste options
Council's green organic waste collection services
Free! Shredded garden organics (mulch)
- Use your garden waste to make your own mulch and compost, a valuable plant food that improves all aspects of soil health and helps reduce the need for watering and weeding.
- Leave your grass clippings on your lawn where they will act as a natural fertiliser.
Don't put soil, dirt, mulch and large branches in your garden waste bin, these go in your red lid garbage bin, and:
- Don't dump garden waste over the back fence and into bushland.
- Cover your compost heap to stop distribution of seeds by wind and animals.
- Remove seed heads from plants before they have time to mature and disperse.
- Never dump disused aquarium contents down drains or into waterways.
- You can also, bag all your garden waste and take it to your local waste disposal facility.
Contact us
If you see any persons disposing of garden organics into bushland please report it to Council on 02 4645 4000.