Indian Myna Bird Action Program

Myna Bird Action Program
The Indian Myna bird is now rated among the 100 most invasive species

Originally native to India, the Indian Myna bird was introduced to Australia in the late 1800s to control insects in market gardens.

They then spread rapidly throughout Australia, following the expansion of agriculture and urban development.

Help us reduce the environmental effects

Our Indian Myna Bird Action Program (IMBAP) aims to reduce the population of the Indian Myna bird within the Campbelltown Local Government Area, and in doing so, reduce the adverse impact these birds cause on human health and the natural environment.

IMBAP is an education and action program, run in partnership between Campbelltown City Council and local men’s sheds aimed to:

  • Raise public awareness about the Indian Myna bird, the damage it can cause to native bird populations, and the risks it poses to human health and the natural environment
  • Provide the community with educational information about how to reduce their feeding, roosting and breeding opportunities
  • Provide training to community members on how to effectively trap and humanely euthanise Indian Myna birds, based on methods that are acceptable to Government, animal welfare authorities and the community
  • Offer residents the opportunity to purchase effective Indian Myna bird traps on completion of their participation in scheduled community education workshops
  • Work cooperatively with other councils, agencies and local organisations to better understand Indian Myna bird education and control programs.

Sign up for our Indian Myna Bird Action Program

Interested community members can learn about:

  • The effects of Indian Myna birds on human health and the environment
  • Effective trapping methods
  • Animal welfare protocols
  • Humane euthanasia
  • Other methods to discourage Indian Myna birds calling your backyard home.

Following completion of our online training, you will have the opportunity to purchase an Indian Myna bird trap, tailor-made by one your nearest local Men’s Sheds, or alternatively download PeeGree Trap Plan(PDF, 402KB) to build your own trap.

Joining is easy

  1. Complete the online training program and get all assessment questions (4) correct
  2. Fill in your details to receive an email with a certificate of completion to purchase a Myna Bird Trap
  3. Contact your local men’s shed to confirm stock and then take your referral letter to your local men's shed, provide photo identification and pay $90 to receive your trap - payment method is cash only
  4. Please be prepared to show your vaccination evidence and QR Code check in using the Service NSW QR Code App to enter the Men's Shed and purchase a trap
  5. You can then commence trapping.

Training and registration

Please note: The Indian Myna Bird Action Program is only open to residents of the Campbelltown LGA, residents outside the LGA will not be able to access the training. Successfully completing the Indian Myna Bird Program training is essential before purchasing a trap. Program participants are responsible for the euthanasia and disposal of any Indian Myna birds they trap and Council, including Councils Animal Care Facility will not accept any trapped birds to be euthanized.

Indian Myna Bird Trapping

Report Indian Myna birds you've trapped, so we can keep track.

Indian Myna Bird Trapping and Monitoring

We look forward to working with you in reducing the impact of this pest on our natural environment.

What you need to know

What are the environmental effects of Indian Myna Birds?

Indian Myna birds pose a threat to the long term survival of many of our native birds and animals and are considered as a concern for biodiversity at a global level.

They commonly compete with native birds and animals that nest in tree hollows, impacting on the lifecycle of native species that depend on these areas for breeding and habitat.

Unlike our native birds, Indian Mynas breed more than once each season.

The large nests they build rot after they've vacated, making that tree hollow unsuitable for native species to nest in.

What are the public health risks?

Indian Myna birds commonly nest in roofs of houses, where their accumulated droppings and mites can encourage disease.

Bites from bird mites can cause skin irritation, and if inhaled can contribute to asthma and hay fever.

The messy and unhygienic lifestyle of the Indian Myna is evident at popular roost and feeding sites such as school grounds, shopping centres, fast food outlets and outdoor eating areas.

With poor hygiene and a scavenging lifestyle, Indian Mynas are similar to rats and cockroaches in their potential to spread disease and impact human health.

Noise from Indian Myna bird roosts, at pre-dawn and at dusk, can also result in considerable distress and sleep deprivation from living close to a roost site.

How do I correctly identify Indian Myna birds?

The introduced Indian Myna Bird is sometimes confused with the native Noisy Miner - a much less destructive animal. Here's how to tell the difference.

Introduced species, the Indian Myna

Indian Myna birds are most often seen strutting around the ground looking for food, generally in places where humans gather and eat.

They are opportunistic scavengers and will eat almost anything that is easy to find, this is why they are sometimes referred to as "rats of the sky".

They gather noisily in large numbers to roost (sleep), often in non-native trees and palms.

Indian Myna Bird

Description: Black head, yellow beak and eye patch, chocolate brown body, white wing patch (highly visible in flight), long yellow legs.

Australian native, the Noisy Miner

The Noisy Miner is a small gregarious honeyeater, most often seen feeding on native plants, eating insects and nectar from the flowers.

It is aggressive enough to frighten away cats and other predators, but timid enough to be frightened of humans.

It is an Australian native and, as such is protected. Unlike the introduced Indian Myna, the Noisy Miner does not kill other native birds or mammals.

They have a very loud call that sounds like a repetitive 'pwee, pwee, pwee'

Noisy Myna Bird

Description: Black hood, pale grey feathers, white coat, yellow beak and eye patch, flesh coloured legs, longer tail.

What can I do at home to help?

By following a few simple tips, you can turn your backyard from an Indian Myna bird retreat into a native bird haven!

Limit feeding opportunities for Indian Myna birds by:

  • disposing or composting food scraps
  • covering or moving pet food that would otherwise be exposed to the birds during the day. Exposed pet food, such as dog or cat biscuits are a favoured food source for these birds
  • planting native species in your gardens, as this encourages native birds to call your backyard home. Indian Myna birds favour exotic vegetation; especially cocos palm trees, which they use for food, nesting and protection.

Limit nesting opportunities by:

  • identifying and patching up any holes or possible nesting places these birds utilise around your house and/or carport
  • encouraging the nesting of native birds in any suitable trees or hollows in your garden.

Report sightings of Indian Myna Birds

Report sighting of Indian Myna birds in your area online at Feral Scan

Report a tree on council land that are used by Indian Myna birds to roost.

Report Roost Tree

Please note: reporting of roost trees may be used in future studies and does not mean the tree will be removed.

How can I deter Indian Myna birds without trapping?

You can deter Indian Mynas around your home or commercial premises by:

  1. Clearing away food scraps after eating outdoors, removing outdoor pet food, feed pets indoors, cover bins
  2. Blocking holes/areas where Indian they might roost or nest
  3. Installing wildlife friendly bird netting to block access to roosting or nesting areas
  4. Installing bird spikes to prevent roosting on ledges
  5. Installing sensor lights or sensor water sprinklers in roosting or nesting areas.

Are Indian Myna birds euthanised humanely?

Under our Indian Myna Bird Action Program, the trap operator is required to humanely euthanise trapped birds in accordance with the NSW Department of Primary Industries - Standard Operating Procedure for trapping pest birds(PDF, 227KB).


Partnering with our local Men's sheds

Unfortunately due to recent closure of Campbelltown's Men's Sheds, we encourage program participants to seek out other providers for Indian Myna Bird traps. A directory of local Men's Sheds can be found on the Australian Men's Shed Association website. 

Spread the word

Tell your friends and neighbours about the impacts that Indian Myna birds are inflicting on our native wildlife and the risk they post to human health and the environment.

For more information about native birds and their habitat in your back yard, visit Birds in Backyards.