Before You Visit

Georges River, Ingleburn Reserve
Planning your visit in Campbelltown
The bush is an amazing place to escape and explore. Keep yourself and our wildlife safe by being prepared.
Plan your trip
Tell somebody
- Give your trip details to family and friends who are not travelling with you
- Tell them when you expect to return and let them know when you have returned.
Be prepared
- Take responsibility for your own safety and the safety of others in your care
- Check that the battery on your phone is charged before setting out. If there is an emergency call Triple Zero (000). Many reserves have patchy or no mobile reception, we recommend you Download the Emergency Plus app
- Carry a first aid kit, know how to treat a snake bite
- Have a container for food scraps and rubbish.
Stay on track
- All native plants and animals are protected. You are in their home. Watch from a distance and stay on the track to avoid disturbing them.
- Taking plants from reserves is illegal, take photos instead.
Watch your step
- Snakes, like other reptiles, warm themselves in sunshine, on rocks and in the open area created by a walking track. Alert them by tapping a walking stick on the ground, so they can feel the vibration and retreat under cover.
- If you see a snake on the path, stop, walk slowly backwards and wait to allow it to pass. Don't poke it or try to move it as it will think you are trying to attack it and may become aggressive. Most snake bites occur when people try to kill or capture snakes.
- If there is a fallen log in your path, step onto the top and check before stepping over, in case a snake or other animal is seeking shelter on the other side.
- Check flowing water after rain. The water flow in creeks and rivers are unpredictable and can rise quickly, carrying debris and washed in wildlife such as snakes.
What to wear
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- A wide brimmed hat
- Sun protective clothing. Remember that ultraviolet radiation (UV) levels can be high even on cloudy days
- Protective footwear
- Wear the right protective gear for your activity. For example, wear a life jacket for kayaking.
- Insect repellent
- Fresh drinking water (2L per person). River water is not suitable for drinking
- Food and snacks
- First aid kit
- Mobile phone. Download the Emergency Plus app
- Remember to take your rubbish with you when you leave.
Clean up after yourself
- Dispose of rubbish in bins or take it home with you to keep our wildlife safe and to protect our natural world
- Fires are illegal
Be alert when driving
- Be alert and aware, especially when driving at dawn and dusk because most native wildlife are on the move at these times.
- Report sick or injured wildlife to WIRES 0466 318 688 or Sydney Wildlife 02 9413 4300
Check the water conditions
There are lots of fantastic places to explore in our natural areas, including walking trails that are on or near a river or creek.
- Beware of fast flowing water, submerged objects and deep water.
- Watch water levels in rivers as they can rise suddenly after heavy rainfall.
- During droughts, check for submerged hazards that may now be exposed and beware of poor water quality, especially after rainfall.
- Beware of steep, slippery or overhanging banks or paths especially near waterfalls.
Swim safely
The aquatic environment around rivers, and creeks can be unpredictable. Please take note of these safety tips.
- Check the water depth before going in.
- Rivers can change rapidly. Never dive in head first, never jump into the water from heights. Always enter the water slowly.
- Be aware and respect other river uses.
- Never swim alone. Make sure that someone else is there to provide or get help.
- Never use a tree rope swing. Tree rope swings are dangerous and are often associated with serious injuries.
- Be aware of currents and undertows.
- If you get into trouble in the water, stay calm. Signal for help, then float on your back feet first with the current. Don't panic.
- If someone needs help in the water, stay dry and reach out to them with a stick or throw a rope.
- Inland waters can be very cold—be aware of hypothermia even in summer.
- Never rely on pool float toys to keep you safe.
- Avoid drugs and alcohol around water.
Further information on river safety and translation services.