Terms and conditions

Image credit: Caitlyn Culbert
Ethical Photography Guidelines
A substantial proportion of wildlife photography is undertaken in national parks and reserves. Commonwealth, State and Territory, and local government rules apply.
Native animal and plant species are protected by law throughout Australia regardless of whether they occur in national parks, reserves, or Local government administered areas or private land, unless otherwise stated by Commonwealth, State or Territory fauna/flora agencies.
It is the responsibility of the photographer to ensure that they are aware of the laws and regulations which apply to the regions in which they undertake nature photography.
The kinds of activities often engaged in by nature photographers, which are currently prohibited in some or all government reserves and parks in Australia include:
- taking ('take' often defined to include 'interfering') or harassing (call playback is a form of harassment) native wildlife
- use a radio, tape recorder or other sound or amplifier system in a way that may cause unreasonable disturbance to an animal (eg call playback)
- disturbing or interfering with nests, hollows and habitat
- walking or driving off designated tracks or roads
- altering native vegetation (eg to get a clearer photo of bird)
- erecting structures (eg permanent bird hides), and feeding wildlife (eg using food to attract wildlife)
- flash photography on nocturnal species
- Interfering with plants that damage or harm the species.
Photos submitted to the Macarthur Nature Photography Competition must be taken in accordance with ethical guidelines.
Conditions of Entry
1. For the purposes of this competition, the competition organisers are defined as nominated staff involved in the organisation and coordination of the competition from Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly Councils.
2. The subject matter of the photographs submitted must be from within the Macarthur region, defined as Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly Local Government Areas (LGAs) and must be obtained lawfully.
3. Images of fauna must not include flash photography and must meet ethical photography guidelines as specified on the council website, any images submitted with flash on fauna will not be judged and residents will be contacted about animal welfare/ethics.
4. Photographs may be black and white or colour.
5. Each entrant may enter a maximum of three photographs in the competition, any excess images submitted will not be considered for judging.
6. The content of a photograph must not be changed or manipulated in any way; that is, no cloning, montaging, or digital manipulation other than cropping, toning, digital spotting, burning, dodging. No Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated imagery is permitted. Additionally, no addition or removal of subject matter is accepted. Retouching is limited to the removal of normal scratches and dust spots. Colour adjustment should be minimal.
7. Each photograph can only be entered into one theme.
8. Photographers who have made more than $500 in photography sales in the 2024/2025 financial year will not be eligible to enter the age categories. A shortlisted selection of entries in the Professional category will be on exhibition at the Narellan Town Centre; these entries are NOT eligible for the People’s Choice Award.
9. A panel of judges representing photography, art and local biodiversity expertise, will select theme place winners, and will shortlist images for the People’s Choice Award. The judge’s decisions are final.
10. Respective Councillors, competition organisers, the judging panel and their immediate families are not eligible to enter the competition.
11. Entries must be submitted online.
12. Late entries will not be accepted.
13. Entrants in this competition give permission for their works to be reproduced by print and electronic media by the competition organisers for not-for-profit publications, advertising and promotional purposes. Entrants will be acknowledged if the image is reproduced.
14. All personal information gathered by the competition organisers will be used solely for the purposes of administering the Macarthur Nature Photography Competition.
15. Photos must be taken within the last 12 months.