Residents celebrated at 2024 Gift of Time Awards ceremony

Published on 03 December 2024


Campbelltown residents who give up their valuable time as volunteers to help their community have been recognised at Campbelltown City Council’s annual Gift of Time Awards ceremony.

This year’s celebration recognised 1,118 volunteers from 55 Campbelltown community organisations and services who have collectively given up more than 127,480 hours of their time throughout the year.

Each person was presented with an award certificate from Mayor of Campbelltown Darcy Lound at a ceremony this week.

“This year’s award recipients represent a diverse range of local organisations including school associations, sports and fitness organisations, charity groups, emergency services, veteran’s groups and more,” Cr Lound said.

“Volunteering is so valuable because these incredible people have given up precious time to help their community. These commitments often mean early starts, late nights and giving up precious time over the weekend,” he said.

“It’s a great honour to celebrate these incredible volunteers who continue to undertake selfless work in our community.”

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