Commercial Fitness Providers Policy

The Commercial Fitness Providers Policy aims to encourage the use of open space for all residents and provide opportunities for private fitness operators to use public open space for their activities.
The key points of the policy include:
- A requirement for commercial fitness trainers to have current registration with Fitness Australia, which would ensure they are appropriately qualified and insured.
- Prescribed hours of operation and limits on duration of activity.
- Limits on the size of training groups and the ratio of trainers, based on Fitness Australia recommendations.
- Exclusion zones where training is not permitted. Examples include Koshigaya and Mawson Parks; turf cricket wickets; within 50 metres of residential properties; park furniture; within 20 metres of memorials and playgrounds; car parks and road ways.
- Exemptions for certain groups, including local sporting clubs and schools.
- Identified permissible activities, such as fitness training, boxing training, circuit training, yoga and tai-chi.
- Identified prohibited activities, such as the use of megaphones and whistles, amplified music, and dragging tyres or other heavy items.
- The implementation of a permit structure, including a proposed annual fee of $160.00.
- Terms and conditions for use of grounds, including priority use of sports grounds by structured sporting groups.