Campbelltown Arts Centre Strategic Committee

Campbelltown Arts Centre Strategic Committee delivers strategic priorities and promotes the Campbelltown Arts Centre.

Role of CAC Strategic Committee

  • The Campbelltown Arts Centre Strategic Committee (CAC Strategic Committee) represent the views, interests and/or identified issues that affect communities within the Campbelltown area within the scope of Campbelltown City Council's authority
  • Provide advice, input and feedback to Council on issues that fall within the parameters of its authority and relate to Arts and Culture
  • Advocate for and promote the Campbelltown Arts Centre within the region
  • Support the implementation of priority actions contained within Council's endorsed Plans and Strategies that relate to Arts and Culture
  • Provide advice on and support partnerships with organisations in the delivery of strategic priorities for the Campbelltown Arts Centre
  • Assist with the Campbelltown Arts Centre’s engagement with business and communities
  • Contribute to the achievement of strategic objectives as set out in the Campbelltown Arts Centre Strategic Plan
  • Provide advice to support the development of Council strategies that focus on Arts and Culture.

CAC Strategic Committee

CAC Strategic Committee Members

The committee comprises of a maximum of 15 members.

The 3 elected Councillor representatives are:

  • Councillor Meg Oates
  • Councillor Seta Berbari
  • Councillor Tao Triebels

The following positions make up the remaining committee members:

  • Chief Executive Officer or Nominee
  • Four representatives from the Business Sector or Community*
  • Two representatives from the Arts Community
  • Two representatives from the Friends of the Campbelltown Arts Centre
  • One representative from the Education Sector
  • Mayor or Mayor's Nominee from Camden Council
  • Mayor or Mayor's Nominee from Wollondilly Council

In addition the following non-voting attendees also attend meetings:

  • Executive General Manager City Placemaking and Services
  • Executive Manager City Culture
  • Other officers may attend as requested by the Committee.

Operation Guidelines

The following CAC Strategic Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 68KB) was adopted by Campbelltown City Council at its meeting on 8 February 2022.

The Business Sector or Community Representatives are selected through an Expression of Interest Campbelltown Arts Centre Strategic Committee Nomination Form(PDF, 82KB) which is endorsed by Council.

CAC Strategic Committee Meetings

CAC Strategic Committee meetings require a quorum of a half the members plus one and meetings are convened adhoc as the need arises with a minimum of 2 meetings each year.

CAC Strategic Committee meetings are not open to the public.

CAC Strategic Committee Minutes

Draft minutes from the CAC Strategic Committee meeting are submitted to Campbelltown City Council to formally adopt the CAC Strategic Committee recommendations.

Once the CAC Strategic Committee minutes are adopted by the Council, the CAC Strategic Committee are advised of the adoption at their next meeting and a copy of the adopted minutes are made available online in PDF format.

CAC Strategic Committee Minutes adopted by Council