Family Day Care

Kids playing at playsession

Family Day Care is a unique, flexible home-based education and care service that offers a warm, safe, secure and stimulating home environment catering for children from 6 weeks to primary school age.

Every child deserves a great start in life. Give your little one the chance to thrive and enrol them now with our education and care services. Our centres foster a lifelong love of learning in an inclusive and nurturing environment. Let's give our next generation the best start for a bright future.

How much does Family Day Care cost?

Our educators work under a deregulated fee system where, as service operators, they set their own fees according to the services provided. Refer to our fee schedule below. You may be able to claim Child Care Subsidy (CCS) to reduce your fees.

Fee Schedule

 Permanent Bookings
 Core (8am to 6pm) / Outside Core Hours   $10.30 - $25.25 per hour 
 Before / After School Care   $10.50 - $17.25 per hour
 Saturday / Sunday   $11.00 - $30.50 per hour
 Casual Bookings
 Core (8am to 6pm) / Outside Core Hours   $10.00 - $25.25 per hour
 Before / After School Care   $10.60 - $17.25 per hour
 Saturday / Sunday   $11.00 - $30.50 per hour
 Additional Fees
 Public Holiday   $11.00 - $38.25 per hour
 School Holiday Care   $10.50 - $18.25 per hour

A non-refundable enrolment fee of $45 per child is payable prior to your child's enrolment and $25 for each additional child from the same family enrolled at the same time. This fee includes a child's hat with our Education and Care Services logo.

How do I enrol my child?

To enrol your child in to one of our Family Day Care services, you will be required to:

  • Complete a request for care form.
  • Once your request for care form has been processed and a suitable vacancy exists, a staff member will contact you to let you know that a position is available.
  • An enrolment form will then be required.
  • Once your enrolment form has been received, you will then be asked to attend an orientation appointment at the service.

Our Administration Team can let you know more about our enrolment process:

  • Call our team on 02 4645 4443
  • Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm.

How do I pay my fees?

Child Care fee payments are to be made directly to your Family Day Care Educator. Fees are payable via electronic methods only. 


Family Day Care philosophy(PDF, 46KB) is a mission statement identifying our beliefs and our reasons behind our practices. Our philosophy has been influenced by staff, children and families that utilise the service and reflects on current practises in the child care field. Parents are welcome to have input into our philosophy at any time.

Family Day Care Educators

Our Family Day Care program has been delivering an exceptional service to children and families for over 30 years. Our team of qualified educators, provide quality care and professional educational programs.

Our educators operate under the Education and Care Services National Regulations and are supported by Our Family Day Care Coordination unit.

Want to become a Family Day Care educator? Find out more