Asset Protection Zones
Asset Protection Zones (APZ) are one of the most important tools for Council in reducing the risk of bush fire to our community and are an important part of our Hazard Reduction Program.
An APZ is a fuel reduced area surrounding a built asset or structure such as a residential building or major buildings such as schools.
Council currently maintains over 70 hectares of APZ.
See below information regarding APZ's:
An APZ provides
- A buffer zone between a bush fire hazard and an asset
- An area of reduced bush fire fuel that allows suppression of fire
- An area from which backburning can be conducted
- An area which allows emergency services access and provides a relatively safe area for firefighters and home owners to defend their property
How an APZ works
- Reduces the amount of surface and elevated fuel, reducing fire intensity
- Removes the 'fuel ladder' from the vegetation to reduce the chances of a ground fire moving up a tree into the canopy
- Thins out tree canopies to prevent fires spreading from tree to tree
If designed correctly and maintained regularly, the APZ will reduce the risk of
- Direct flame contact on an asset
- Damage to an asset from intense radiant heat
- Ember attack on the asset
An APZ is not
- A 50m clearning
- Bare soil
- Species habitat destruction
- An excuse to remove all vegetation without regard to the effects on the environment or reserve
An APZ is measured from the edge of the dwelling (not the fence) to the adjacent bushland.
The width of an APZ will vary with slope, historical and geological features, vegetation type and proximity of bushland to built assets.
An APZ consists of two areas:
- Inner Protection Area (IPA)
- Outer Protection Area (OPA)
Inner Protection Area
The IPA should be located immediately adjacent to the asset; incorporate a defendable space; significantly reduce the heat intensities at the building surface.
Often this space includes area within the asset boundary, such as a mowed backyard.
Outer Protection Area
The OPA is a fuel reduced area that is designed to reduce the potential flame length by slowing the rate of spread, filtering embers and suppressing crown fires.