Dates of Significance

For a more comprehensive list of significant dates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people visit Comprehensive list of ATSI significant dates

Interested in how Aboriginal people lived here before colonisation?

Take a tour with us

Council’s Marketing and Tourism team facilitate tours with an Indigenous perspective at different times of the year in Dharawal National Park with Indigenous tour guides.
For more information please contact: Campbelltown Visitor Information Centre on 1800 655 991 or 02 4645 4921.

Aboriginal Community Reference Group

Are you Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander? Want to participate in discussions and decision making? Want to stay in touch with what is happening in the community? Come along to our meeting.

Council’s Strategic Aboriginal Development Officer facilitates the newly re-formed Campbelltown Aboriginal Community Reference Group. Community members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, Aboriginal workers or volunteers who work in the local government area or anyone who studies in the area are welcome to attend.
If you’re interested contact:

Don’t be shy. Council and services involved in our projects and events welcome all of the community to participate in and support local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activities.

It’s a great way to meet members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and participate in cultural events.

If you have a group or an organisation that is interested in hosting your own Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander event or project and need some support or ideas we will be happy to assist or provide links to relevant organisations.