Council's Multicultural (CALD) Projects and Services
We have a range of services and initiatives to support multicultural communities and strengthen cultural harmony in Campbelltown, facilitated by Council's Community Development team.
Services and initiatives
Our range of services and initiatives include:
- Employment of a Community Project Officer whose role includes liaising with the CALD community
- Compulsory Equal Employment Opportunity training for all Council staff, so they can develop appropriate skills in working with CALD communities
- Staff training and use of the free Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS)
- Coordinating community events including citizenship ceremonies and Harmony Day
- Translation of some Council documents into community languages
- Our multicultural library service
- Programs run by the Campbelltown Arts Centre including art projects, workshops, seminars, exhibitions and music events reflecting cultural diversity
- An equity and access policy statement(PDF, 34KB) which ensures that services are equally accessible to all residents regardless of race, culture, religion or language
- Acknowledging some of councils most common community languages on Council letterhead
- Participating in the Macarthur Multicultural Services Network.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you or someone you know needs to communicate with us and need language support, our staff are trained to use the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS).
- TIS is a national service that provides free translating over the phone.
- On-site interpreting is also available but must be pre-booked.
- TIS is provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 131 450.
Need more information?
Contact our Community Life Team
Phone: 02 4645 4579