Youth Plan 2024 - 2030 Actions: How are we tracking?


Campbelltown City Council’s Youth Plan is co-designed with young people and our service representatives. An adopted Youth Plan is vital in giving us the opportunity within our community to contribute, have a voice and make a difference.

How will we measure our success?

Actions Campbelltown City Council has committed to delivering or partnering on are detailed in tables below. We'll show how we're doing using a traffic light system:

Traffic light legend with red orange and green circle

Red for things that are taking longer than expected.

Yellow for things that are happening but need a bit more time.

Green for things that are done or are on track.

We'll also share stories about how some ideas have made a big difference. And we'll use young people's feedback to make sure we're always improving our plans to fit what youth need.

1. Opportunities


Young people have access to meaningful and local, skill building and employment opportunities.

What success looks like

  • Youth are consulted on co-design of programs and attendance to programs are at 80% capacity.

  • Encouraging bridges from high school into local government careers. Highlighting success stories online.

  • Creative art excursion day held where young people can receive a behind the scenes tour of the Arts Centre and meet members of the Campbelltown Arts Centre team.

Action Status

Work collaboratively with schools, local service providers and/or other Councils to deliver educational programs focusing on 'green life skills' such as; how to grow food, propagation and germination, volunteer ecology, bush regeneration pathways and Caring for Country.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Work collaboratively with local services to identify opportunities to engage with early school leavers and support them in the transition to work such as ‘green jobs’ such as; environmental education, sustainability and bushcare.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Encourage and advocate for the continued provision of outreach programs delivered with Clontarf Academy and Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre, with a focus on caring for country.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Consult with young people and local voluntary organisations to identify barriers to volunteering and develop ways to make participation more accessible such as bushcare and volunteer ecology.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Consult with young people to develop an annual opportunities calendar.

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Develop and nurture professional skills and/or interests through a youth mentoring program.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Work Collaboratively on strengthening partnerships with schools to enhance programs that focus on transition from secondary school to work and/or further education, training and employment.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Establish and provide entry level employment opportunities for young people across the organisation.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Offer and provide trainee and apprenticeship programs through My Gateway.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Increase young people's understanding and desire to engage in employment with Campbelltown City Council through attendance at Careers Expos.

Red coloured circle indicating project/outcome delayed

Provide work experience opportunities and develop a volunteer program for young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Offer design classes to Tafe students.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Promote MyGateway on Councils socials and website.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide HSC Lectures to support students in our LGA.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Offer a Creative Studio in Council Library.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Offer Homework Help in Council Library.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Establish and facilitate an Employment and Careers Panel in Council Library.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide opportunities for young people to increase their employability via Work Experience and Volunteer Programs in Council Libraries.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Facilitate an annual Creative Careers Expo for young people interested in careers in the arts.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Facilitate Creative Arts Excursion Days designed to grow young people's love and enjoyment of all the arts.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate the NAS x CAC Art Intensive.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate Tertiary Talks at Campbelltown Arts Centre including gallery floor talks.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate the Artist and Practice Day.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide opportunities for school excursions to Campbelltown Arts Centre.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate the Campbelltown Arts Centre’s Conscious program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate Conscious Connects.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate the Conscious High Pilot program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Develop an internal database of local young creatives/entrepreneurs/youth led businesses.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide opportunities for young musicians and performance artists.

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Promote Council's busking/street performer permit application process to young and aspiring musicians/performers aged 16-25.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Advocate for youth to attend the Campbelltown Aboriginal Reference Group.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

2. Connection


Young people have a sense of connection and belonging to their space, peers and the wider community.

What success looks like

  • Youth are engaged in Caring for Country and restoration opportunities in the natural environment. Increased numbers of young people from Indigenous heritage participating in cultural awareness programs, events and activities.

  • Media is designed specifically for young people with input from YAT. More young people are connected to Council’s youth social media outlets. More young people attend programs, events and activities.

Action Status

Identify opportunities to improve existing youth recreation areas (e.g. mountain bike trail networks, multipurpose courts, murals, and/or street art).

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Deliver youth-related actions in alignment with Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Work collaboratively with services to support young people who are refugees and seeking asylum with wrap-around services and to connect them into the community.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Work collaboratively with NSW Communities and Justice/Juvenile Justice to deliver projects that provide opportunity for young people to reconnect with community and foster a sense of belonging within the local environment.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Develop a stronger Tik Tok and Instagram presence targeting young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Enhance the website content to target and engage young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Create and run school holiday activities for young people.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide targeted advertising and information to young Council employees aged under 24 years to increase their awareness and access to the free counselling services.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide targeted programs for key interest areas expressed by young people in our libraries.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Celebrate International Games Month within our libraries.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Celebrate comic book day.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide opportunities for connection through weekly chess club after school program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide opportunities for young people to connect with council and its functions through the depot open day.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Run targeted engagement with young people for major Council projects.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress
Create and distribute youth targeted advertising for Stadia content. Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Collaborate with key performing arts venues to enable selected young people direct access to artists and live performances.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide opportunities for cultural expression through the Wiritjiribin dance group.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate Claymore Art Shack in collaboration with local artists and youth workers.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate the Burra Bumal, meaning ‘sky and earth’ in Dharawal language annual dance program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Facilitate a dedicated youth space at two of Council’s annual community events.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Encourage a sense of belonging for young people in public spaces.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Support compliance and approvals for external event applications that are youth related and diverse.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Target promotion to young people for Festival of Fishers Ghost Carnival Friday Frenzy (an evening of discounted ride passes).

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide a space for youth to have input and be included in NAIDOC Week celebrations.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Advocate for design outcomes that consider youth in internal projects and external development applications.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Develop a collaborative and inclusive Youth Week program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide capacity building for community groups to lead their own youth events.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

3. Safety


Young people have a say in community safety measures and feel safer in the Campbelltown LGA.

What success looks like

  • Young people have access to local emergency accommodation. Partner with housing and homelessness sector to build capacity of programs for young people.

  • Young people have access to information and supports to minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs.

  • Young people recognise that the library is a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for all young people including those who identify as LGBTQI+, and is a place where they can be themselves.

Action Status

Welcome Here Spaces delivered in the LGA.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Ensure free Wifi and Charging Stations in Council libraries are provided.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide a Youth Friendly Staff Presence in Council Libraries.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide targeted advertising and information to young Council employees aged under 24 years to increase their awareness and access to the free counselling services.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Monitor and gather relevant data as an evidence base for activities and funding.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Advocate for suitable local emergency accommodation and services for young people.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Work collaboratively with the Local Drug Action Team to support services to provide relevant activities for local young people to raise awareness of drugs and alcohol.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide Learner Drivers with the opportunity to gain experience on local roads in a supportive environment through the Log Book Run program.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Offer year 11 students at all high schools in the Campbelltown LGA the U-Turn the Wheel to Stay Alive program which addresses 6 key areas of Road Safety: Low Risk Driving, Enforcement & Keeping your Licence, Sharing the road with trucks, Insurance, Purchasing your first car and Safe Celebrating.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Consult with young people about how best to connect existing and provide new accessible pathway/cycleway networks that attract young people and provide access to where they want to go.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Investigate, research and produce a Community Safety Plan that consults young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

4. Wellbeing

Wellbeing - - Campbelltown City Council Youth Plan 2024 - 2030

Young people have access to information and supports available for mental and physical wellbeing.

What success looks like

  • Utilise TikTok and Instagram to promote crisis hotlines and mental health services. Design materials to hand out at events to connect people with these services.

  • The local Youth Sector is working collaboratively to support the wellbeing of young people in Campbelltown. The Community Life team actively participates in sector networking and regularly updates our service mapping. Youth services a receive relevant information, training and support to achieve collaborative goals. Youth Work’s best practice approaches are implemented in the work delivered in the LGA.

Action Status

Work collaboratively with young people, schools, local service providers and other Councils to develop and deliver workshops/events that promote walking and cycling.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Work collaboratively with local services to provide programs that educate children, young people and their families on issues such as inland waterways, bush safety, coexisting with wildlife, and improved physical and mental health among CALD communities.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Increased advertising of existing youth resources on the Council website, with active social media campaigns driving young people to these resources.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

A stronger focus on ensuring wellbeing social content is targeted and accessible for CALD communities of young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Continue to offer the HSC Mocktails program at Campbelltown Library.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Continue to offer the Paws and Destress program at Campbelltown Library.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Continue to offer the Summer Book Binge for young people.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Continue to offer HSC Study Snack Packs for young people.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Provide targeted advertising and information to young Council employees aged under 24 years to increase their awareness and access to the free counselling services.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide proactive and collaborative leadership on issues that are important to young people in Campbelltown by establishing and chairing the Campbelltown City Youth Interagency.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Increase opportunities for local Young people to engage in activities delivered across the LGA by attending local network meetings including MYSN and Neighbouring Council’s Interagency.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Attend and support the Macarthur Love Bites Working Group.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Ensure all of our open space areas are listed on the Council website with services available. Extend this via social media platforms and school newsletters to ensure young people are well informed of the recreational resources available to them.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

5. Voice

Voice - Campbelltown City Council Youth Plan 2024 - 2030

Young people’s opinions and perspectives are sought, valued and heard.

What success looks like

  • The Mayor attends a minimum of one key consultation with young people 12-24 per calendar year.

  • During youth week annually the newly established YAT team will host a youth takeover for Councils social media. Socials content focused at young people will be co-designed with Councils communication team to give youth a direct voice. Photoshoot held that includes older youth (16-24 years) to use on Council social sites and on website.


Action Status

An increased focus on highlighting youth aged 12-24 years in Council Social Media, website and collateral.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Run Annual Youth Forum.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Youth feedback and consultation sort from library services on the programs, events and books offered within Council libraries for young people.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Close the feedback loop - get back to young people on the outcome of the engagement process, acknowledging their contribution and how that has informed decision-making.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Conduct library educational school visits.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Establish and run a Youth Podcast.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Establish and run a Library TikTok Account.

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Targeted engagement for youth Area in Library 2.0 and the new Civic Library.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Provide targeted advertising and information to young Council employees aged under 24 years to increase their awareness and access to the free counselling services.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Young people’s voices sought and heard to provide feedback on the accessibility and their experience when attending the stadium events.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

The Mayor will attend key consultations with young people across the Campbelltown LGA to hear their voice.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Identify and engage opportunities for Youth Sector Capacity Building.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Establish and develop a CCC Youth Action Team (YAT) to provide an opportunity for young people to collaborate and lead on issues that are important to them.

Green circle image to indicate outcome has been met

Showcase the creative and artistic works of young people in Council’s exhibition, galleries, venues and public spaces.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

6. Sustainability

Sustainability - Campbelltown City Council Youth Plan 2024 - 2030

Young people play a role inenvironmental practices andprincipals that contributetowards a more sustainableCampbelltown LGA.

What success looks like

  • Youth are consulted and co-design our programs. Young people are aware of volunteer opportunities. Transport to these locations improved. Participation in bushcare programs increases and is measured.

  • Multicultural engagement in programs around environmental resilience and stewardship is increased.


Action Status

Host environmental programs at Library facilities and identify opportunities to improve existing service delivery through meaningful consultation with young people.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress

Consult with young people and local voluntary organisations to identify barriers to volunteering and develop ways to make participation more accessible in environmental programs such as, bushcare and volunteer ecology.

Yellow/amber coloured circle indicating project/outcome in progress


Investigate opportunities for programs that aim to engage cross-cultural connections and understanding through education specific to climate resilience and environmental stewardship.

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Increase advertising of community services that promote sustainability and the environment.

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Provide recycling stations in Libraries and educate young people around their use.

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Run Eco and Sustainable Workshops.

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Reduce environmental impact by increasing sustainability through advertising online rather than print media.

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Produce regular, targeted TikToks regarding recycling.

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Launch the waste services game as an education tool.

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Conduct youth focused community environmental education at events.

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