Road Rules
Road rules are the framework for safe and efficient movement of traffic on NSW Roads. Whether you are a new or an experienced driver, it is important for you to keep up to date with changes to the road rules.
A number of resources have been produced to assist with the understanding of NSW road rules, these resources are available on line and include:
- Road User Handbook provides practical information on NSW road rules as well as road safety, low risk driving, vehicle registration and penalties for driving offences.
- Videos to help clarify road rules provides animations explaining some of the most misunderstood road rules.
- Top 10 misunderstood road rules in NSW outlines the road rules most commonly misunderstood by road users and provides simple answers to many road rules questions.
- NSW Road Rules 2014 is the Legislation in NSW governing road rules which commenced on 1 December 2014.
Remember, safe road use is a responsibility we all share - whether as drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, pedestrians or even passengers.
Changes to Road Rules from 1 September 2018
Summary of changes:
- The new road rule requires motorists to slow down to 40km/h (on roads with a speed limit of 90km/h or more, drivers are required to slow down to a reasonable speed for the circumstances) when passing stationary emergency vehicles that have their lights flashing:
- Any type of emergency vehicle including;
- Tow trucks and breakdown assistance vehicles.
Full details of the changes are available on the Transport for NSW website.
Information on the Australian Road Rules in force in New South Wales.