Arthur and Valerie (Jean) Hounslow
Oral History Interview
Delivered by Willam Mawson in 1927 Arthur tells of the building of Ingleburn Weir, council meetings on a full moon and a hairy time in the scouts. Jean recalls rabbit stew, her father's work as well as a close link with Ingleburn house.
Discussions include: Dr William Mawson, School of Arts Committee, Ingleburn Council, Harley Daley, Lest We Forget clock, Baby Health Centre, Ingleburn Baptist Church, Ingleburn School, Greg Percival, Peter Benson, cubs and scouts, The Depression, drought, blackouts, entertainment, Fred Goodsell, working with the Water Board , School of Arts, First World War, Alderman of Council, Minto, Macquarie Fields, Georges River.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 23 May 2013.

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