Running an ecommerce business - Online Webinar

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In this webinar, we will discuss the many areas of your ecommerce store. With the likes of the major players in ecommerce such as Amazon in Australia, it is important we are continuously evolving.

How can we make sure your online store not only survives, it thrives in the years to come.

In this webinar you will learn how to

  • Evaluate trends and opportunities for new products and markets
  • What tools to use in order to enhance the user experience or customer journey on your site
  • How to increase conversions to make more revenue
  • What digital marketing platforms are working in today’s climate to drive traffic to your store.

Meet your presenter - Katina Beveridge

Katina is the CEO Strategic Online a Sydney based Digital Marketing Agency. She helps businesses grow through strategic digital marketing solutions.

Katina also shares a passion for teaching and helping small business owners, having been in that space herself she understands the issues small business face every day. When not completely immersed in work she loves to spend time with her children out in nature.


  • Tuesday, 21 May 2024 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Online webinar, Campbelltown, 2560