Alcohol Free Zones

The Local Government Act 1993 provides us with the ability to establish an Alcohol Free Zone (AFZ) to help create and maintain well-designed streets and public spaces that are safe and attractive for residents, workers and visitors.

We implement outdoor alcohol restrictions in response to NSW police and community requests to help prevent alcohol related anti-social behaviour and crime in public places.

Make an application

If you would like to submit an application, download and complete our Alcohol Free Zone Application Form(PDF, 129KB).

  • An AFZ can be established over public places that are public roads or car parks, and prohibits the drinking of alcohol in the specified zone.
  • A proposal to establish an AFZ must, in all cases, be supported by evidence that street drinkers have compromised the public's use of those roads or car parks.
  • The maximum duration of an AFZ is four years, although it may be re-established following the same procedure that was used to originally establish the zone.

How are Alcohol Free Zones created?

The procedure that we must follow prior to making any resolution to declare an AFZ is outlined in the legislation and is as follows:

  1. Notify the community of its intention to establish the Alcohol Free Zone in the area embracing that land proposed to be declared and inviting submissions from any person or group within the area. The minimum period for lodging a submission is 14 days after publication of the notice.
  2. Consider any submissions received, and where it is decided to declare the zone, must advise:
    • The Anti-Discrimination Board
    • The officer in charge of the Police Station nearest the zone
    • The liquor licensees and secretaries of registered clubs whose premises border on or adjoin or are adjacent to the proposed zone
    • Any known group that might be affected by the creation of the AFZ.
    We must give each organisation or persons listed above up to 30 days to make written submissions to the proposal.
  3. Consider any submissions received and where it is decided to proceed with the declaration, notify the community of this decision (whether as originally proposed or as amended) at least seven days in advance of the proposed date of commencement.
  4. Signpost the area in accordance with the Act.

Alcohol Free Zones and Alcohol Prohibited Areas in Campbelltown City

Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs) and Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APAs) are used by Councils to create safe and enjoyable public spaces for their residents.

AFZs apply to road-related public areas such as public roads, footpaths and carparks. APAs apply to non-road-related public spaces such as parks and reserves. Please check signs in place for information about restrictions.  

If you are found drinking alcohol in these areas, you will be given a warning and the chance to stop drinking. If you continue to drink in an AFZ or APA your alcohol may be confiscated/tipped out. If you do not cooperate with Police, you may receive a fine for obstruction.

Public Notice

Establishment of Two Alcohol Prohibited Areas 

Council is pleased to announce the establishment of two Alcohol Prohibited Areas (APAs) to promote a safer and more family friendly environment.

  1.  Bradbury APA(PDF, 264KB) - This area includes the surrounding of the Billabong Parklands, Bradbury, inclusive of Bradbury Oval and adjacent basketball courts. Please note the Billabong Parklands itself is not part of this APA, as 'No Alcohol' is a condition of entry into the Parklands. Special event exemptions may apply where an event organiser holds a valid liquor license for the event's duration. 
  2. Leumeah APA(PDF, 245KB) - This area covers lot 1 Rudd Road and Fitzroy Walk, Leumeah. 

The new APAs will take effect from 30 September 2024. These measures are to ensure that our public spaces remain welcoming to all residents and visitors.  

For further information, please contact Council’s City Standards & Compliance team on (02) 4645 4614.